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جواب انگلیسی به سوال "Explain the concept of "machine learning"

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جواب انگلیسی به سوال

 "Explain the concept of "machine learning"


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Basic Concepts in Machine Learning:

Machine Learning is continuously growing in the IT world and gaining strength in different business sectors. Although Machine Learning is in the developing phase, it is popular among all technologies. It is a field of study that makes computers capable of automatically learning and improving from experience. Hence, Machine Learning focuses on the strength of computer programs with the help of collecting data from various observations. In this article, ''Concepts in Machine Learning'', we will discuss a few basic concepts used in Machine Learning such as what is Machine Learning, technologies and algorithms used in Machine Learning, Applications and 

Concept learning, as a broader term, includes both case-based and instance-based learning. At its core, concept learning involves the extraction of general rules or patterns from specific instances to make predictions on new, unseen data.example of Machine Learning, and much more. So, let's start with a quick introduction to machine learning.A machine is a combination of resistant bodies (links or elements) with successfully constrained relative motions, which is used for transmitting other forms of energy into mechanical energy or transmitting and modifying available energy to do some particular kind of work.

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