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یک پاراگراف انگلیسی برای این جمله  " Describe "scalability" in the context of technology."

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یک پاراگراف انگلیسی برای این جمله  " Describe "scalability" in the context of technology."

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 As I see it, a restaurant is a market and it is the job of a waiter to ....... the clients into choosing products from the menu.

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میشه جواب انگلیسی بدید به این سوال Explain the difference between "frontend" and "backend" development.

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Which of the following is correct?     Current decline in the housing markets is often compared to the one in the '80s.     Current decline in the housing market are often compared to the one in the 80's.     Current decline in the housing market  often compared to the one in the 80s.

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چند گزینه‌ای

Perth offers an eclectic ....... within the breathtaking backdrop of grassy parks, towering palm trees and endless waterways.

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چند گزینه‌ای

 Jane: Sorry you can protest if you like but it doesn't ........

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کجا به  "oval office"  مشهوره ؟

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