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ترجمه متن This had better be good otherwise I’ll give you...

١ سال پیش

این متن یکم طولانیه اگه بتونید ترجمش کنید ممنون میشم

This had better be good otherwise I’ll give you a matching pair. What happened?
My arm… I think it’s broken!
I’ll get you what you want, Eddie, if you tell me what I need to know.
I might be furnished with the absurd particulars of his ridiculous scheme.
Scarecrow’s planning something. Involving Batman.
Ah, the most valuable commodity of all.
Fine. You may name your fee.
Sorry Eddie, it’s just I have all these clients who aren’t insecure little power-mad man children.
No! No! Listen, I need… something acquired. Something valuable.
I’m going to adorably hang up on you, Eddie…
I find myself in need of your unique skillset. Your “street smarts” as your intellectually challenged kind adorably calls them.
Wait! Wait! I’ll get to the point.
And I’m honored, Eddie. Really. Bye!
Ah. Ms. Kyle. You have the privilege of conversing with me, The Riddler. Gotham’s premier super-villain and intellectual colossus.
Who is this?
Look at ya! Gettin’ claret everywhere. Look like you’ve done ten rounds with Grundy.
How kind, Edward. I will keep my fingers crossed.
I have… I- I- don’t know how to respond to your ridiculous insinuations. So all I will say is this. Tell me which day you plan to attack Gotham and maybe, just maybe, if you’re lucky, I will coincidentally put my entirely separate and superior masterplan into effect.
I know, Edward, it’s a frightening thought. How many failures can even your enviable reputation withstand? But if the Bat were distracted, tugged in too many directions by too many threats, why, then you would be assured of the upper hand.
But what if you failed, Edward? What if, by some underhand means, of course, the Batman were to humiliate you again.
A foe I could vanquish with but one of my cerebral lobes intact! Yet here you are, proposing an alliance that would let you bask in my luminescent glory.
Of course, Edward. But nonetheless, we have a mutual foe.
HA! I don’t HAVE an ego, Crane. I’m far too brilliant. Especially for the likes of you.
Is it working?
I know what you’re doing Crane, talking to me away from Cobblepot and the others. You’re appealing to my ego.
Oh dont you worry, Harv. The guns’ll be loaded. Every bleeding second of this truce.
You just make sure our men are armed and their guns are loaded.
I’m ’avin nothin to do with your bank job, aside from my cut of course.
Let this Arkham Knight run his army. Leave him and Scarecrow to chase the Bat. We can take care of ourselves.
I thought it best we meet alone Edward.
Yeah, real funny, Harv. You keep talking like that and Scarecrow’s little ceasefire ain’t gonna happen.
Did you bring a footstool?
The coin says give him a chance.
This cocky gobshite isn’t the first Bat-fanatic to muscle in on our turf. I’d sooner piss on him than trust him.
That’s my job.
Like how we kill him.
Yeah yeah. We all fear Batman. Tell us something we don’t know.
Because you share something. A fear that strikes at you from the shadows. Hunts you. Keeps you afraid of the dark.
What’s the deal Crane? Why are we here?
Yeah. What’s left of it.
Well well! ’bout time you showed ya face.
You’re a real couple ’o bozos you know that!
What’s the matter Harv? The burning smell bring back some bad memories?
Keep that smoke out of my face little man.
Dr. Sartorius? Mr. Stagg would like a word.
Well I won’t let that happen! I won’t turn a blind eye anymore! This confession will be my epitaph, the proof that I was not content to weigh the good I’ve done against the evil done by him anymore. If you’re listening to this-
I know what they’re doing. They’re taking my technology, my mass inoculation device, and they’re turning it to something twisted. Something wrong.
That’s when the weapons contracts began.
Sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself, aren’t I? It’s these anti-anxiety meds - they rattle your brain. What I’m trying to say is that day, the day we ran out of money.
And now Scarecrow’s here.
No, this isn’t about me. This is about him.
This is not about me, this pathetic drunken confession. I struck my bargain, let him threaten me into silence while I worked on my vaccines, my cures. So don’t judge me, whoever you are, whichever junior reporter at the Gotham Herald was lucky enough to press the play button on this device!
You think I want forgiveness? You think this is some desperate mea culpa? I was raised Catholic, but I chose science over faith.


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