"come across" یعنی چی؟
سلام این کلمه یعنی چی؟ و معادل انگلیسی رسمیش چی میشه ؟
come across
٤ پاسخ
to behave in a way that makes people believe that you have a particular characteristic:
طوری رفتار کردن که باعث شود مردم باور کنند که ویژگی خاصی دارید
She comes across really well (= creates a positive image) on television.
He comes across as a bit of a bore in interview.
If an idea or emotion comes across in writing, film, music, or when someone is speaking, it is expressed clearly and people notice it
اگر ایده یا احساسی در نوشتار، فیلم، موسیقی یا زمانی که شخصی در حال صحبت کردن است به وجود بیاید، به وضوح مشخص می شود و مردم متوجه آن می شوند.
تجلی کردن
What comes across in his later poetry is a great sense of sadness.
come across something
to find something by chance
یافتن اتفاقی چیزی
He came across some of his old love letters in his wife's desk.
to give other people a certain feeling or opinion
دادن احساس یا نظر خاصی به دیگران
He comes across as a bit of a bore.
We don't mean to be vague, but I know that's how it comes across.
برخورد کردن معنی میده یعنی رفتاری نشان دادن از خود.
که واژه صحیح تر اون treat هستش.
Hi. It has many meanings and each of them their own specific synonyms.
Such questions are not so hard that you spend time and wait for replies.
Look it up in dictionaries, you'll find out it has many meanings and usages, in particular, its concept and how it should be used and applied in contexts.
By doing this, you will enhance your comprehension and get more and more familiar with a variety of structures and usages.
Bless up.
با مسئلهای برخورد کردن! با مسئلهای مواجه شدن! به نکتهای رسیدن!
اتفاقی به چیزی یا شخصی برخوردن!
discover by chance، bump into