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با سلام خدمت دوستان عزیز . به نظرتون بهترین راه ترجمه یک متن(چه متن حقوقی یا رمان یا مقاله و ...) چیه ؟  ترجمه لغت به لغت یا  ترجمه مفهومی  کسی که متن رو می خواد مطالعه کنه  به ن ...

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Technology may reinforce existing inequality in both  access to and production of content. Privileged groups still produce most content. A study of higher-education repositories with OER collecti ...

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Regardless of where the budget lands, I am confident that we will find a way to move forward.

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دوستان We walk in two lines   اگر در مورد فقط دو نفر باشه، چی معنا بشه بهتره؟ کنار هم راه رفتن؟ به موازات هم راه رفتن؟ یا چی؟ اگه  چندین نفر باشن احتمالا "در دو صف" معنا بشه، ولی من همون مورد اول رو سوال دارم،  یعنی وقتی گوینده منظورش خودش و نفر دومی هست.

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معنی  by myself but not alone  چیه دقیق؟ممکنه یعنی تنها و مجردم ولی حس تنهایی ندارم؟

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International and clannish at heart, in spite of their outward assimilation, they were to prove by the sequel that they could be won to the eastern point of view: if they rejected it at first, it was largely because they thought they could obtain all they wanted without the help of their retrograde brethren

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On the contrary, the literature which the society for the awakening of the slumbering Jews published, with the exception of a book of travels, was strictly a course of studies in Talmudic laws, and calculated to revive the sentiment of a common aim and common hatred found in the Torah

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