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این کلمه معمولا کجا استفاده میشه و به چه معنیه؟ get back to sb

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هر چی میزنم تو گوگل میگه چه شکلی بگو اینقدر نزن تو ذوقم ولی مثلا برای سوم و دوم شخص چیزی نگفته

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Hempel’s (1966) example was of Kekulé dozing off to sleep in front of a fire,  dreaming of a snake swallowing its tail, and thus discovering the circular nature of  the benzene molecule.  Justification, done in the Spartan quarters of the philosopher kings, deals with  entities and their connections in the unchanging Platonic world of the Forms.

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معنی این کلمه رو چندین بار جست و جو کردم ولی چیزی  پیدا نکردم 

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Again, this is just one more in-our-face reminder of who rules our planet. The Zionist Rothschild City of London moneychangers have been granted supreme power by Satan to rule over this earthly devil’s dominion, through follow-the-money, usury debt-theft control system, and are not about to let anyone or anything stop them from plunging humanity right off their Armageddon depopulation cliff.

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