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Mommy Duck lived on a farm  چرا از on استفاده شده؟ آیا میشه از in استفاده کرد؟

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١ رأی
تیک ٣ پاسخ
٥٦ بازدید

چرا facing به صورت استمراری اومده؟ They were a very small army facing an empire of millions

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تیک ١ پاسخ
٤٩ بازدید

A: Am I disturbing you? B: No, no, no. You’re not disturbing me at all. What are you doing anyway? A: I’m trying to hit this ball into that hole. Oh, missed again. B: Why do you keep missing the hole? A: Well, golf is difficult. That’s why it’s fun.

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Woman: I’m used to doing the housework at my house, at home. I’m not used to doing it at my work in the workshop.

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A: I don’t know what it is. B: You’re quite sure? A: I’ve already told you. I’ve never ever seen one of those before.

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