Major advances in technology, especially digital technology, are rapidly transforming the world. Information and communication technology (ICT) has been applied for 100 years in education, ever ...
Technology is often bought to plug a gap, with no view to the long-term cost. for national budgets. The cost of moving to basic digital learning in low-income countries and connecting all schools to ...
ترجمه حرفه ای این جمله انگلیسی: Her little hot room looked over the bay
If they were already happy with their life and saw the prospects that they had beyond singing
معنی کلمه ی انگلیسی hood
سلام. ممنون میشم ترجمه درست این عبارت رو بگید. Table 2 Percentage of completed repetitions out of the maximum possible number when a given magnitude of mean propulsive velocity loss is reached in each set to failure in the bench press, full-squat and pull-up exercises
سلام ممنون میشم معنی کلمه halflinger رو بگید داخل مترجم زدم نیاورد، املاش درسته.
معنی کلمه ی انگلیسی generous
معنی کلمهی mean
ترجمه جمله زیر چی میشه ؟ Look , I may speak Lexi , but you know my first language is Nell ◾Lexi و Nell اسامی افراد هستن