Difference between gallant and brave
٣ پاسخ
The main difference between gallant and brave is that gallant refers to someone who is courteous, chivalrous, and polite, especially towards women, while brave refers to someone who shows courage and fearlessness in the face of danger or difficulty.
Gallant behavior often involves acts of kindness, politeness, and respect towards others, while bravery involves facing challenges or dangers with courage and determination.
In summary, gallant is more focused on manners and courtesy, while brave is more focused on courage and fearlessness.
- رفتار جوانمردانه و مؤدبانه با زنان
- اقدام شجاعانه و قهرمانانه به ویژه در مواجهه با خطر
- کسی که شیک، خوش سلیقه، و برازنده است.
- کسی که در برابر خطر یا مصیبت شجاع و نترس است
- عملی که مستلزم شجاعت، عزم و قدرت است
- کسی که حاضر است ریسک کند و با چالش ها روبرو شود.
gallant به شدت ادبی هست. brave حالت خنثی داره. از این کلمه می شه توی متن های ادبی استفاده کرد:
o'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming