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از نویسندگان نامدار انگلیسی ، کدامیک بیشترین کلمات را اختراع کرد و به زبان انگلیسی افزود ؟ 

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معنی جمله I would handle it  با جمله I can handle it چه فرقی داره ؟ 

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ترجمه این جمله   But casting into this bubbling cauldron of opportunity makes no difference,

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معنی صریح  این قسمت از جمله  she jumped to her feet, veins throbbing in her  temples 

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لطفاً این دو جمله رو ترجمه صریح فرمایید He woke up  to find the dormitory blazing with winter sunlight and his arm reboned but very stiff, it had been blocked from view by high curtains he he had changed behind yesterday, 

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چند گزینه‌ای

 The crowd remained good-natured for the first part of his speech and Henry was feeling pleased with himself. And then, ....... half a dozen tractors roared onto the field.

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