معادل فارسی : "Live for today, plan for tomorrow"
If there is ....... you need you can call me, okay?
....... house is it, anyway? Are we allowed to stay in here?
معنی ضرب المثل یا اصطلاح انگلیسی : "A fool and his money are soon parted."
معادل انگلیسی " گور نداره تا کفن داشته باشه "
Cancel Culture (فرهنگ حذف) فرهنگ حذف چیست و چگونه بر افراد تأثیر میگذارد؟ چه انتقاداتی نسبت به فرهنگ حذف وجود دارد؟
They arrived in the middle of the night ........
She ....... him a solemn promise that she would never steal again.
I think learning ....... be interesting because otherwise you wouldn't ever be able to succeed.
معنی اصطلاح مکالمه ای "in my (mid/ late )20s"