آیا عبارت bunch of information درست است ؟
٣ پاسخ
چون information جزو اسامی غیرقابل شمارشه، نمیتونیم بگیم two information یا three information.
به جاش میتونیم بگیم: a lot of information یا a wealth of information یا large amount of information
bunch of information هم درسته
The phrase "bunch of information" is correct and usable in written English. You can use the phrase when discussing a large amount of information. For example, "I have a bunch of information I need to sort through.".
و همچنین توضیح در مورد مفرد یا جمع بودن آن:
“A bunch” of anything is always plural. For example, you can't have a bunch of “flower” as a single or singular item. But a bunch of items can be treated grammatically in the singular when it is—or they are—considered as a unit, as in “A bunch of flowers was placed in a vase on the windowsill.”