فهرست پیشنهادهای ١٤٠٣/٠٩/٣٠ ( ١٠٢٤ )
ولی الله خیروری
ولی الله خیروری
too close for comfort
dollar store
to take something as it comes
take something as it comes
to take something as the gospel truth
to take something as gospel
take something as the gospel truth
take something as gospel
to take someone as one finds them
take someone as one finds them
to take someone or something in as something
take someone or something in as something
to take someone or something as something
take someone or something as something
be as sure as the wind blows
as sure as the wind blows
to be sure as the wind blows
to be as sure as the wind blows
sure as the wind blows
such as it is
be sure as the wind blows
to succeed as
such as
succeed as
stupid is as stupid does
to strike one as funny
to strike as
strike one as funny
strike as
use something like it's going out of style
to use something like it's going out of style
use something as if it's going out of style
use as
to use something as if it's going out of style
to use as
use someone or something as an excuse for something
use someone or something as a guinea pig
to use someone or something as an excuse for something
to use someone or something as a guinea pig
use someone or something as something
to use someone or something as something
try as one may
trust someone as far as one could throw him
to try as one may
to trust someone as far as one could throw him
whenever the fancy takes one
welcome into
wear something as a badge of honor
volunteer for something
to wear something as a badge of honor
volunteer as
visualize someone or something as something
visualize as
value as
to visualize someone or something as something
to value as
value someone or something as someone or something else
to value someone or something as someone or something else
to use something as a carrot
use something as a carrot
use as an excuse
to use as an excuse
to stigmatize as
stigmatize as
stigmatize someone or something as something
steady as she goes
to start off as
to start as
start out as
start off as
start as
to start one out as something
to start life as something
start one out as something
start life as something
to star as
to stamp as
star as
stamp as
to stamp someone or something as something
stamp someone or something as something
spot as
to spot someone or something as something
spot someone or something as something
to spend money as if there's no tomorrow
to speak as you find
spend money as if there's no tomorrow
speaking as someone
speak as you find
to speak as one finds
to speak as one
to be as sour as vinegar
speak as one finds
speak as one
sound as if
software as a service
so far as someone or something is concerned
so far as one knows
so far as
so as to do something
so as to
so something as something
to show up as
to show someone or something up as something
show up as
show someone or something up as something
set up as
to set up as
to set someone something or oneself up as someone or something
to set down as
set someone something or oneself up as someone or something
set down as
to set one down as something
to serve as the driving force behind someone or something
set one down as something
serve as the driving force behind someone or something
to serve as the driving force
serve as the driving force
to serve as one's substitute
to serve as one's replacement
serve as one's substitute
serve as one's replacement
would just as soon do something as look at one
to worship as
worship someone or something as something
worship as
work as
without so much as something
to worship someone or something as something
without so much as doing something
without so much as doing
without so much as a by your leave
without so much as
with god as my witness
hold up one's end
round up
to serve as a mouthpiece
to serve as a guinea pig
serve as a mouthpiece
serve as a guinea pig
to serve as something
to serve as
to sell as
serve as something
serve as
sell as
فیروزه ایوان
to sell someone something or oneself as something
to select someone or something as something
to select as
sell someone something or oneself as something
select someone or something as something
select as
seeing that
put up
to see the glass half full
see the glass half full
to see the glass as half empty
to see as
see the glass as half empty
see as
to save something as something else
to save down
save something as something else
save down
to run as fast as one's legs can carry one
same as
run as fast as one's legs can carry one
run as
rose by any other name would smell as sweet
to respect someone or something as something
to represent someone or something as something
to remember someone or something as something
respect someone or something as something
represent someone or something as something
remember someone or something as something
thick as thives
to be as sound as a barrel
sound as a barrel
be as sound as a barrel
as sound as a barrel
so far as possible
i decided it's the best time to chnge that lol and i hope u are up to it
i decided it
to be slower than molasses in january
slower than molasses in january
be slower than molasses in january
حسن مستوفی الممالک
to be rough as bags
to be as rough as bags
be as rough as bags
rough as bags
as rough as bags
رشاد خلیفه
reinstate as
الکساندر ماشکویچ
اریش رودرفر
to reinstate someone as something
reinstate someone as something
reinstate one as something
to register as
to regard someone or something as something
register as
regard someone or something as something
regard as
i'm dave from hong kong
to refer to someone or something as someone or something
refer to someone or something as someone or something
recommend as
پتکو کاراولوف
to recommend someone or something as something
recommend someone or something as something
recognize as
to reckon someone or something as someone or something
to receive as
recognize someone or something as someone or something
reckon someone or something as someone or something
reckon as
receive as
reappoint as
to reappoint one as something
reappoint one as something
read as
میرو چرار
امبوی جنوبی نیوجرسی
to read someone or something as someone or something
read someone or something as someone or something
rate as something
to be as rare or scarce as hen's teeth
rate as
عبدالله نجفی
be as rare or scarce as hen's teeth
as rare or scarce as hen's teeth
شش قهرمان بزرگ
to be rare as hen's teeth
to be as rare as hen's teeth
be rare as hen's teeth
be as rare as hen's teeth
نظام نیمه ریاستی
قطعنامه ۳۹۵ شورای امنیت
سمور جنگلی
اونگلیون نسخه جدید سینمایی کیو
rare as hen's teeth
rank as
کارلوس تخدور
همایش بین المللی احزاب و سازمان های مارکسیست لنینیست
فرانسیس پلیسیه
to qualify as
qualify as
to put down as bad
to put down as
put down as bad
put down as
✍ definition to classify or judge someone or something as a particular type or category
to put one or something in the same basket as someone or something
put one or something in the same basket as someone or something
to prove oneself as something
to present as someone or something
prove oneself as something
present as someone or something
his balls have dropped
والی گیتور
هری ولف
ماری یک داستان
غلامرضا ازهاری
علی اکبر حیدری
دم چلچله ای اردنی
pretty is as pretty does
حوزه انتخابیه تربت جام تایباد باخرز و صالح اباد
بی بی نوروز
امیراحمد فلسفی
واروژان نرسسیان
posture as
زندگی خصوصی هنری هشتم
to pose as someone or something
pose as someone or something
pose as
موسیقی کلاسیک اندلسی
منتخب الاثر فی الامام الثانی عشر
portray someone or something as something
portray as
politics as usual
شبکه سبلان
to point to someone or something as something
point to someone or something as something
point to as
نیکلای پادگورنی
to play something off as something else
to play as
play something off as something else
play as
picture as
to persecute one for something
to perceive someone or something as something
picture someone as something
picture one as something
persecute one for something
to peg one down as something
perceive someone or something as something
peg as
peg one down as something
to peg one as something
peg one as something
to pay as one goes
to pawn something off on one as something else
pay as one goes
حقوق باروری
pawn something off on one as something else
to be patient as griselda
to be as patient as griselda
patient as griselda
be patient as griselda
be as patient as griselda
as patient as griselda
لک لک
to pass off
فدراسیون بسکتبال ایران
کندی بار
مردم داردی
شاپور طاحونی
جاذبه های گردشگری استان قم
سنگ نوشته کاخ دروازه کشورها
ریگ ددیان
احمد بزرگیان
to pass as
pass off
کارولین گودمن
ابوحنیفه نعمان بن ثابت
to palm something off on one as something else
pass someone or something off on someone
pass someone or something off as something else
pass as
ماکسیم لیتوینوف
palm something off on one as something else
zone as
zone some place as something
you're only as old as you feel
to zone some place as something
you know as well as i do
write down as
to write someone or something down as something
to write down as
write someone or something down as something
would you be so kind as to do something
would you be so good as to do something
would you be as good as to do something
would as soon do as look at you
to ordain one as something
to be only as good as one's word
to be old enough to be mother
ordain one as something
only as good as one's word
old enough to be mother
be only as good as one's word
be old enough to be mother
to officiate as something at something
often as not
officiate as something at something
nothing is so good for the inside of a man as the outside of a horse
nothing is given so freely as advice
not trust someone as far as one can throw them
not so much as do something
not in the same street as someone or something
not in the same league as someone or something
not half as something as someone or something
not as young as one used to be
not as black as one is painted
not as black as it is painted to be
to nominate as
not as something as all that
not as bad tall etc as all that
nominate one as something
nominate as
nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse
to need something about as much as a hole in the head
to be as nice as pie
nice as pie
need something about as much as a hole in the head
be as nice as pie
as nice as pie
گل رنگارنگ
to need something about as much as one needs a hole in the head
need something about as much as one needs a hole in the head
to need something about as much as a fish needs a bicycle
need something about as much as a fish needs a bicycle
to be as neat as a new pin
to be as neat as a bandbox
neat as a new pin
be as neat as a new pin
be as neat as a bandbox
as neat as a new pin
as neat as a bandbox
neat as a bandbox
to name someone as
name someone as
name one as
my guess is as good as yours
طرفه ٔ بغداد
mutton dressed up as lamb
much as
moving three times is as bad as a fire
move as one
more often than not
more fun than a barrel of monkeys
miss is as good as a mile
to be as merry as the day is long
merry as the day is long
be as merry as the day is long
as merry as the day is long
to be as merry as a grig
to be as merry as a cricket
merry as a grig
merry as a cricket
become stuck
be as merry as a grig
be as merry as a cricket
as merry as a grig
as merry as a cricket
to be as meek as moses
meek as moses
be as meek as moses
as meek as moses
meek as a lamb
to mean something as something else
mean something as something else
may as well
matter of fact
matter of course
masquerade as someone or something
masquerade as
to mark someone or something down as something
mark someone or something down as something
mark as
to mark someone or something as something
mark someone or something as something
نه قم خوبه نه کاشون لعنت به هر دوتاشون
نه قم خوبه نه کاشون لعنت به هر دوتاشون
نه قم خوبه نه کاشون لعنت به هر دوتاشون
to make bold
calgary depression scale
گرمای سخت
گرمای سخت
make bold
give claim
to make as if to do
make as though
make as if to do
to make as if to do something
make as if to do something
make as if
to make something up as one goes along
make something up as one goes along
might just as well
could just as well
to construe something as something
construe something as something
to condemn someone or something as something
condemn someone or something as something
to conceive of someone or something as someone or something
to conceive of as
conceive of someone or something as someone or something
conceive of as
to come on as
to come as a revelation
come on as
come as a revelation
to come as you are
to come as no surprise
come as you are
come as no surprise
to come as a revelation
to come across like
to come across as something to one
come as a revelation
come across like
come across as something to one
to come across as someone or something
oh my goodness
come across as someone or something
to dress up as someone or something
dress up as someone or something
to double as someone or something
to double as
double as someone or something
double as
to do unto others as you would have them do unto you
do unto others as you would have them do unto you
to do something like it's going out of style
to do something as if there's no tomorrow
do something like it's going out of style
to do double duty as something
do something as if there's no tomorrow
do double duty as something
do as i say not as i do
to dismiss someone or something as something
do as i say
dismiss someone or something as something
dismiss as
to disguise someone or something as someone or something
disguise someone or something as someone or something
disguise as
the devil is not so black as he is painted
do unto others as you would like them to do unto you
do unto others as you would like others to do unto you
do unto others as you would have others do unto you
نام قه
to be fussy as a hen with one chick
be fussy as a hen with one chick
as fussy as a hen with one chick
to function as something
fussy as a hen with one chick
function as something
نام قه
to finger one as someone
that's fine with me
that is fine with me
it's fine with me
it is fine with me
finger one as someone
to figure someone as something
to figure as
fine with me
figure as
to feel as if a cat has kittened in one's mouth
figure someone as something
feel as if a cat has kittened in one's mouth
to go to something as someone or something
good as one’s word
go as you please
to go so far as to
go to something as someone or something
go so far as to say
go so far as to
to go down as something
go so far as doing something
وگرد یک
to go so far as to do something
go so far as to do something
go down as something
to go as someone or something
to go as far as to do something
to go as far as doing something
go as far as to do something
go as far as doing something
go as someone or something
to go as red as a beet
go as red as a beetroot
go as red as a beet
to give up as lost
give up as lost
to give somebody or something up as a bad job
give somebody or something up as a bad job
to give something up as a bad job
to give as good as you get
to give as good as one gets
give as good as you get
give as good as one gets
to give one up as a bad job
give something up as a bad job
give one up as a bad job
i might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb
to honor someone as something
to hold up as something
honour as
honor someone as something
honor as
to hold up as an example
hold up as something
hold up as an example
hold someone or something up as an example
he she etc would just as soon do
face ruin
it is no exaggeration to say
work your tail off
he it etc is not as black as he it etc is painted
have a reputation as something
have a mind as sharp as a steel trap
have someone or something down as something
have one pegged as something
lose my grip
self determination
hatred is as blind as love
to be independent as a hog on ice
independent as a hog on ice
be independent as a hog on ice
be as independent as a hog on ice
as independent as a hog on ice
inaugurate as
inasmuch as
in the unlikely event
in the same boat as
in the same basket as someone or something else
in so many words
in regard to
in as many words
impress as
مهدی علیزهی
impress someone as something
want of
naval squadron
man of destiny
مهدی علیزهی
imagine as
imagine someone or something as someone or something
i'm not as green as i am cabbage looking
if the spirit moves one
idolize someone or something as something
idolize as
i'd as soon do
i'd as leave do
i wouldn't trust someone as far as i could throw them
i thought as much
company man
to know as much about something as a hog knows about sunday
to know as much about something as a pig knows about sunday
know as much about something as a pig knows about sunday
know someone or something as something
know as much about something as a hog knows about sunday
know as
just as soon
just as
it's business as usual
it's as well
it's as broad as it is long
it is as broad as it is long
issue something as something
issue as
interpret something as something
interpret as
intend as
intend something as something
install as
insomuch as
شب یلدا مبارک
get one's back up
take a step back
whats harm in listening
burden of treatment
to look as if one has been dragged through a hedge backward
look as if one has been dragged through a hedge backward
ژنانه =
to look as black as thunder
to list someone or something as one of something
look as black as thunder
list someone or something as one of something
more concretely
like the white on rice
be like a bull in a china shop
to be like a lamb to the slaughter
to be like a bull in a china shop
like a lamb to the slaughter
be like a lamb to the slaughter
like a bull in a china shop
to label someone something or oneself as something
to know as much about as a hog knows about sunday
label someone something or oneself as something
know as much about as a hog knows about sunday
to look upon someone or something as something
look upon someone or something as something
to look on as something happens
look upon
look on as something happens
look on as
to look on someone or something as something
to look as if you have seen a ghost
look on someone or something as something
look as if you have seen a ghost
to look as if one has seen a ghost
to look as if butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth
look as if butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth
to look as if one has lost a shilling and found sixpence
to look as if one has been pulled through a hedge backward
look as if one has seen a ghost
look as if one has lost a shilling and found sixpence
look as if one has been pulled through a hedge backward
پوینه =
plates spun
highly valued
فیس بوک
خانات مرند
roll off one's back
عباس مسعودی
سانی لئونه
تالاب لیپار
fruit fly
جیمز متیس
احمد زبانه
احمد غزالی
اسیر شهرستانی
اران زهاوی
انتونی فان لیوونهوک
مجید بوقره
no bull barrier
توماس واتسون جونیور
tug of war
hamster wheel
غربالۀ صارت
پرسش نامۀ صارت
cage questionnaire
brought out
شمارش معکوس برای انقراض
خوان فوستر
ژان لونگه
باشگاه رانندگی
وزیر جنگ
جعفر بهبهانی
cutting through the bullshit
فندق شکن
کارامبا دیابی
عایل کویین
cross examine
angle poised desk lamp
beauty privilege
ها لام
just in time
not your concern
you played me
هاینه کو
reproductive problem
evolutionary instincts
dance floor
home inspector
hold someone up
چایان چان
sock puppet accounts
facebook feed
see also
big time
داده پرداز
crabs in a bucket
honey pot
outcome dependent
on pedestal
accord and satisfaction
abandoned good
make it a point
narration effect
male privilege
اعجاب اور
toxic masculinity
feel insulted
romantic comedy
client base
no offence
simp media
پیروز و موفق
brewing crisis
corporate firefighters
take measure
smart meter
historical precedence
set up
the dotcom crash
play date
ایه 116 سوره نساء
ایه 48 سوره نساء
نهاد های امنیتی
authorization revoked
sleep a wink
ایه 114 سوره هود
living proof
beat one's breast
to put it another words
burning mouth syndrome
fund raiser
play coy
بونی برملت
پرونده دائمی
بوگنه رازباشی
سلسله تیموریان
ووک یرمیچ
مادام کو
بنیاد شبکه جهانی زندگی سیاهان اهمیت دارد
buried bumper syndrome
ورنن سنتر نیوجرسی
burden of treatment
جزیره ام الکرم
یاکوب بکنشتاین
بیکنز دلاویر
رقص چوب
مارتین هایدگر
استیون هاوکینگ
۵۰ قدم اخر
موزه هنر ایندیاناپلیس
پرت پلیس کالیفرنیا
سلسله اشکانی ارمنستان
رودی گوتندورف
حسن حبیبی
حزب محافظه کار نیکاراگوئه
صحیح مسلم
جان دینگل
مسعود بخشی
سیراک ها
get one's back up
seismic design
گریس ناپلیتانو
بحران گروگانگیری بیمارستان بودیونوفسک
گوستاو پنجم
علی اکبر قربانی
پرسی سایکس
mill test certificate
مهریار مهری
ارون اتابک
پیشبرد اهداف
بی تفاوت
buffalo hump
want of
راه و چاه
as useful as a chocolate teapot
one figured as much
one is not as green as one is cabbage looking
as green as grass
foliar applicationمعنی
brudzinski sign
head up
bronchopulmonary dysplasia
bronchopleural fistula
one rung below
one rung above
leukocytoclastic vasculitis
tail end
of which
stick ones neck out
keep going
private limited liability company
more than anything