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Technology is often bought to plug a gap, with no view to the long-term cost. „for national budgets. The cost of moving to basic digital learning in low-income countries and connecting all schools to ...

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This article in the newspaper applies to the discussion we had this morning. معنی درست جمله کدوم میشه(در واقع واژه applies )  این  بند تو روزنامه بحثی که صبح داشتیم رو  صدق میکنه یا  این  بند تو روزنامه  به بحثی که صبح داشتیم  مربوطه

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Finally, it can have detrimental impact if inappropriate or excessive.  Large-scale international assessment data, such as that provided by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PI ...

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 It has brought small to medium-sized positive effects to some types of learning.  A review of 23 mathematics applications used at the primary level showed that they focused on drill and pr ...

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اصطلاح رایج این روز ها  ترجمه  decarbonization چی میشه ؟

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برای بازار های مالیه این جمله if you have extremely high probability in your favor you don't need a one-to-one payout for your strategy  to be positive

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