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ترجمه این متن و راهنمایی میکنید؟ In the past 20 years, learners, educators and institutions have widely adopted digital technology tools. The number of students in MOOCs increased from 0 in 2012 to ...

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دوستان ترجمه روان این متن چی میشه؟ Adolescents, whether they act like pandas and are stuck with one identity, resemble chameleons constantly changing how they are known to others, or have the assertiveness and adaptability of leopards, are all quite normal.

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The use of poetry follows from its nature: every object or class of objects is most efficiently and rationally used for what it is, or is centrally

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ترجمه و اصطلاح این واژه چی میشه؟ Sign back 

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