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so it does را چه ترجمه می‏کنید؟ "همین‏طور هم هست" خوبه؟

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اصطلاح Down the chain مثال در جمله: After impaling an enemy with the Spear of Chaos attack, Hold the button to send an Elemental wave of energy down the chain, blasting and launching the enemy into the air.

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با پاسخ به این پرسش مدال برنز
دریافت کنید.

Ahsan Wagah  THE MEDITATION  Birds were twittering, the wind was blowing and the water was drifting. With his feet hanging in the water, he was listening to his inner voice at the stream. ...

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در  متن  Birds were twittering, the wind was blowing and the water was drifting. With his feet hanging in the water, he was listening to his inner voice at the stream. In this set up of authority and supervision , he did not have any domain. So, here, in the isolation of a jungle, he was enjoying the use of authority over the water, over grass, leaves and air.

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