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Branches of Accounting The economic development and technological advancements have resulted in an increase in the scale of operations and the advent of the company form of business organisation. Th ...

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?Why do the Users Want Accounting Information The owners/shareholders use them to see if they are getting a satisfactory return on their investment, and to assess the financial health of their com ...

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History and Development of Accounting Accounting enjoys a remarkable heritage. The history of accounting is as old as civilisation. The seeds of accounting were most likely first sown in Babylonia a ...

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سلام ممنونم میشم راهنماییم کنید. اگر بخوام برای یک کاری ذوق داری؟ به انگلیسی چی میتونم بگم. متشکرم

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 "Retargeting" در بازاریابی  به چه معنایی است ؟

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معادل انگلیسی  "دماغ کسی رو سوزوندن " کسی رو چزوندن " چی میشه ؟

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I hear on the radio that there’s a stalled car in fast lane near La Brea, backing up traffic all the way to Hoover

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The blob is a living being and a mystery of nature says the director of the Paris museum of natural history

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