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the sun  beamed through the dreary clouds, خورشید از میان ابرهای دلگیر تابید  خورشید در میان ابرهای دلگیر تابید  ، کدام ترجمه ؟ 

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what makes the life dreary is want of a motive,  بهترین ترجمه رو لطفا بفرمایید ، 

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ÅSTRAND-RHYMING CYCLE ERGOMETER TEST The Åstrand-Rhyming cycle ergometer test is a single-stage test (4). Total duration of the test is 6 minutes. Equipment ■ Mechanically or electrically braked cycle ergometer ■ Metronome (if the cycle ergometer does not have an rpm gauge) ■ Stopwatch 

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سلام  a Sartorius brand  رو به نظرتون چی معنی کنم؟ یا اینکه انگلیسیش رو بنویسم  کلا؟ جمله اینه: We offer a comparison of the relative merits of two platforms, IncuCyte (a Sartorius brand) and xCELLigence (ACEA Biosciences).

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اصطلاح معادل انگلیسی  "عاقبت اندیشی" یا "شخص عاقبت اندیش"

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I have put you to the test of a straggering announcement and you received it like an invitation to dinner,  would you kindly tell me what is all about? it is very confusing sentence,  thank you my friends  

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