Do not use the cord as a handle. این عبارت به چه معناست؟؟
Let me get in the right headspace.
Resilient children tend to fall into two groups: those who beat the odds and those who more than beat the odds.
In a functional neuroimaging study, the authors proposed that in the fusiform gyrus, there is an area called V4 that plays a significant role in color perception since the V4 has been associated with ...
run a race به چه معنی است ؟
But there came a time when he was too old to be allowed to keep sleeping with the light on.
You rolled through that stop sign back there.
in charge of و کاربردش
با سلام و درود، ترجمه مطلب زیر چی میشه: you don't necessarily believe in what is true, you would rather believe in what you feel comfortable with
از لحاظ معنی تقریبا یکی هستن. پس چه فرقی با هم دارن؟