Thank!” booms the monste برای تشکر کردن میشه از هر دو استفاده کرد؟
do you know what? What do you know?
Because I will turn this family around sofast! Now you’re just rubbing it in.
The hermit told the knight about the awful things that were happening there.
Your dog still doesn’t like me. " He bent over Petey. "Hey, dog - lighten up.
Can I give you a lift
معنی این عبارت چی میشه وساختارش چیه؟ I gotta “as dumb chores go” this one is kind of awsome
the wolves always tore the stitches out
معادل رسمی انگلیسی برای "hey mate "
معادل فرمال جمله ی عامیانه ی non of your business