Any evaluation should include a careful history of past and present symptoms with an exam. Medical tests that look for damage already done are not a substitute for controlling exposure.
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فرق might و maybe و تفاوتشون برای استفادشون تو جمله چیه؟ و جایگاهشون توی ساختار جمله
It was ... extraordinary exhibition that I went twice
And there are some other tenses mixed in there too sometimes.
that night, Bailey went on a bear hunt and told ghost stories.
اگر بخوایم جملهAll the better to see you with رو کلمه به کلمه ترجمه کنیم چی میشه؟
تلفظ here وhear یکیه ،چطور متوجه تفاوتش بشیم؟
در عبارت you stupid cow چرا قبل از stupid cow از you استفاده شده؟نباید you are بیاره؟