She took a bottle of water and locked her cell phone and wallet in the truck Lock in چطور معنی شده
yell out و scream و shout
(This morning she’ll show us around)
ترجمه set the wheels in motion چی میشه؟ A trip to the beach set the wheels in motion
کلمه gonna معمولا در چه نوع جملاتی استفاده میشه و مترادف چه کلماتی است؟
you’re coveringبه چه معناست؟
Little red riding hood
Because the metal mercury —— in direct proportion to temperature, it was once used as the indicator in common thermometers.
Transfer of information takes place ……… in some way to the material that was originally learned.
توی سوال قلمچی قسمت زبان یک سوال اومده بود با این مضمون که : 95 tons of food waste that can't be sold is being converted to energy by the company. با توجه به اینکه ما با استفاده از واحد تن کلمه غیر قابل شمارش رو تبدیل به قابل شمارش کردیم چرا باید از فعل مفرد استفاده شه؟