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ترجمه جمله  Spencer's theory rested on the principle of continued adjustment within all facets of the universe  به نظریه اسپنسر مبتنی بر اصل "سازگاری پیوسته" در تمام جنبه­ های عالم آفرینش بود درسته؟ continued adjustment اصل سازگاری پیوسته میشه؟

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توی جمله  Nietzxche was preoccupied with this insight of human motivation  معنای insight میشه نظریه؟

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ترجمه جمله  "he said that other objective psychologists naturally shied away from engaging in a real objective analysis of human behavior because of their moral tracing-a training based upon th ...

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ترجمه if she may چی میشه؟

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واژه ی معادل انگلیسی این متن تخصصی چی میشه ؟ A financial firm that is willing to accept bills of exchange, that is, to guarantee that they will be paid on the due date. An accepting house uses its f ...

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سلام دوستان میشه این متن برام ترجمه کنید  ماشین های ترجمه خیلی خوب خروجی ندادن  Acting rationally:  The rational agent approach AGENT An agent is just something that acts (agent come ...

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ترجمه ی روان این اصطلاح انگلیسی "Practice makes perfect."

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Stories were told of how their first baby slept on a comfortable sheepskin hammock set up beside the kill floor within easy reach for whenever attention was needed.

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