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In our example of a pricing guide or interactive pricing calculator, knowing that we are targeting a mid funnel prospect as our who lets us assume that he or she has a basic understanding of our categ ...

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Go get the keys و  Go get the money یعنی چ

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So, next time you sip your espresso or cappuccino, take a moment to appreciate the art and science behind it. And maybe give a little nod to your friendly barista. They're not just making coffee; they're crafting a little piece of joy just for you. Cheers!   Give nod ممنون میشم معنی اینو بگید

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Pick up the crayons یا  Pick up the toys یعنی چی؟

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بهترین ترجمه ؛ پایان ۳۰ ساعت بی خوابی  به انگلیسی چی میشه؟ 

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...Is this the same script? معنی عامیانش رو میشه بگین؟ 

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Breathe the breath of life into your “pipe dreams” by believing in them, by maintaining your faith and your dreams, unfalteringly, come what may, and eventually, if you persevere, what once was a dream will become a glorious reality!

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مفهوم  "ondemand delivery"  چیه ؟

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 در زبان انگلیسی به چه کسی میگن  "high roller" 

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