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I think you d be surprised by how little of the population gets to represent the sitting government. Afghanistan is not developed enough to allow people across the country to show representation

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معنی  در  Is  your phone زبان انگلیسی چیست

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میشه لطفا یه معادل خوب برای این جمله پیشنهاد کنید؟ My thoughts stuttered to a halt and I had to stop and back them up , like a balked horse.

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معنی صفت squishy در این جمله رو متوجه نمیشم... In some parts of the country, people save it in a pouch to wear around the neck, although that always struck me as a bit squishy .

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معنی grate   در این جملات چی میشه؟ ممنون میشم راهنمایی کنید. How does one black a grate, for example? And would Miss Bonnet even care if our grates weren’t properly blackened?

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معنی این عبارت: biting off each word چیه؟

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توی این پاراگراف، معنی کلمه newtwater  رو متوجه نمیشم. ممنون میشم کمک کنید. Although unless we clean this place up, I can hardly imagine hosting Miss Lili at all. Granted, she probably wouldn’t ...

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معنی روون برای این جمله میتونید بگید؟  It was probably the damn mushrooms that set me off

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معنی only just در این جمله:  It had been long enough now that I could joke about it, but only just.

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معنی عبارت lead slug در جمله ی زیر: The sky was the color of a lead slug and seemed barely higher than the trees themselves.

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