پرسشها با دستهبندی (زبان انگلیسی)
معنی " a tale never loses in the telling" چیه ؟
The more advanced the specialization in production and the more complex the economy, ........ to make any given good reach its ultimate user by using barter.
اصطلاح به تو چه در انگلیسی چی میشه؟
معنی ضرب المثل " put your trust in god, and keep your powder dry" چی میشه ؟
Action در متون هنری چه معنی می دهد؟
آیا " (early) morning dreams come true" معادل سحر خیز باش تا کامفروا باشیه ؟
I want to drill the point home
The ...... of scientific thinking has institutionalized the idea that knowledge has to progress and can do so only through research.
ضرب المثل " every dog is a lion at home" یعنی چی ؟