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If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they'll fly away. But if you spend time making a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come. Don't chase, attract.”

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معادل فارسی برای " Persona Development" و "Product Roadmap"  و "Freemium Model"  از اصطلاحات بازاریابی و مدیریتی رو بگید لطفا 

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🧚🏻‍♀༄My angele. 🌚༄Silver moon.  🤍༄My little purple. 🐣༄My cute friende. 🌞༄My dumb friend. 🍓༄lovly

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تیک ٤ پاسخ
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Fund performance is the acid test of fund management, and in the institutional context accurate measurement is a necessity. For that purpose, institutions measure the performance of each fund (and usu ...

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چند گزینه‌ای

What cause our lack of confidence in this purchase are the ……… of the  machine: large consumption of energy, need of frequent maintenance, and high price.

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