پرسشها با دستهبندی (زبان انگلیسی)
I want to drill the point home
The ...... of scientific thinking has institutionalized the idea that knowledge has to progress and can do so only through research.
ضرب المثل " every dog is a lion at home" یعنی چی ؟
Standstill Agreement به چه قرارداد هایی میگن ؟
What is a "Pareto Chart" and how is it used?
کاربرد اصطلاح عامیانه ی "I'm ecstatic" کجاست ؟ در مواقع بحث رسمی میشه استفاده کرد ؟
معنی ضرب المثل " hope is a lover's staff"
The crowd started to ....... and Henry managed to finish his speech without further interruptions. In the meantime the police hadmade a thorough search of Henry's house and assured him that there were no hidden bombs. He went back to his sister's house to collect his family.
تفاوت این دوتا کلمه چی هست? Notice & attention