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چند گزینه‌ای

The ...... of scientific thinking has institutionalized the idea that knowledge has to progress and can do so only through research.

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کاربرد اصطلاح  عامیانه ی  "I'm ecstatic" کجاست ؟ در مواقع بحث رسمی میشه استفاده کرد ؟

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چند گزینه‌ای

The crowd started to ....... and Henry managed to finish his speech without further interruptions. In the meantime the police hadmade a thorough search of Henry's house and assured him that there were no hidden bombs. He went back to his sister's house to collect his family.

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تفاوت این دوتا کلمه چی هست? Notice & attention

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معادل فارسی stuffing  کلمه چیست؟

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اطلاعاتی برای نمایش وجود ندارد.