She was put in prison in the Tower of London
would it be all right if i borrowed your phone
متاسفانه گرامرو یادم رفته آیا جمله ای که گفتم درسته: if customers like the food, they might recommend it to others.
George and the dragon نمیشه بگیم؟ George and dragon
A dispute is an argument or disagreement that people have.
It is ghost of Hamelts father
He’s had to stop to look at his map
برای صحبت در مورد (کار کردن در جایی) گاهی از کلمه at و گاهی از in استفاده میشه میشه توضیح بدید چرا؟ از هر دو کلمه برای کار کردن در هر مکانی میشه استفاده کرد. و کلا چه تفاوتی بین at و in هست ؟
I hope the food’s good at the reception.
She was very sporty when she was younger, maybe she_______a famous athlete.