the human bones of jaws it had shaved down in a glass vase in its lobby معنی جمله فوق دقیقتر میگید؟
"Gaslighting" به چه معناست؟
با سلام و احترام به نظر شما در جملۀ زیر value construction به چه معناست؟ Specifically, the authors find that feelings of hope, in contrast to pride, during one’s non-preferre ...
من نمیتوانم غذا نخورم به انگلیسی چه میشود من در مترجم زدم و اورد i cant eat
As she pulled the mirror handle to look at her reflection, she began to think that she had changed. She screamed and almost dropped the mirror. What she saw was a face that was very familiar to her. It was a face that was beautiful and young - very young. Staring back at her from the mirror were the big eyes and small face of a child. کسی میتونه توی ترجمش کمک کنه؟ مخصوصا جمله ی اول