" Best practices integration " چه معادل فارسیی داره ؟
چه تفاوتهایی در شکلگیری روابط عاطفی یک دمیسکشوال با سایر افراد وجود دارد؟
معنی واژه ی عربی " خَبّاط "
معادل فارسی برای Formalization process بگید لطفا .
They were eating dinner when the lights ....... out.
A shot in the dark در جمله ی زیر یعنی چی؟ "It was a shot in the dark, but I applied for the scholarship anyway."
Preferred customer به چه مشتری هایی میگن ؟
what is the meaning of fear of the unknown in persian?
معنی اصطلاح محاوره ای : I'm feeling on top of the world چی میشه ؟
Teacher: Well if you started living in Paris in 1999 and you are still there, you say; I have been living there ....... 1999.