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Again, this is just one more in-our-face reminder of who rules our planet. The Zionist Rothschild City of London moneychangers have been granted supreme power by Satan to rule over this earthly devil’s dominion, through follow-the-money, usury debt-theft control system, and are not about to let anyone or anything stop them from plunging humanity right off their Armageddon depopulation cliff.

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جمله به چه کلمه ی انگلیسی اشاره داره ؟ A line on the surface of something along which it has split without breaking apart

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این دو جمله به چه کلمه ی مشترکی اشاره دارن ؟ A statement of money owed for goods or services A proposed law

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مثال)  There's a running joke in the office about how Sarah is always late. 

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فرق بین hobby و pastime  چیه؟ لطفا با مثال توضیح بدین  سپاس 

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Crossover Ex: crossover success 

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اصطلاح  "yummy"  برای هر چیز خوش مزه  ای استفاده میشه ؟

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یک دفتر برنامه ریزی هست که چهار ستون داره.  Todo , progress,  done , blocker Blocker ستون اخر هست..معنیش اینجا چی میشه دقیقا؟

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