پیشنهادهای فرهادی (٣٩١)
to cause to malfunction, especially computer hardware or software: Installing updates in the wrong order will bork all of your saved games. The font ...
used in speech often in an ironic way to say that one knows about something because it is easy to see it just by looking "I broke my leg. " "So I see ...
dry smile: لبخند مصنوعی، لبخندی که از ته دل نباشه، لبخند زورکی
Roast Someone to criticize severely or speak angrily to someone: Critics roasted him for exploiting racial stereotypes. It depends on where you are ...
one of the two halves of a main road British English: one of the two sides of a motorway or main road, for vehicles travelling in the same direction ...
to turn or be turned round suddenly and awkwardly: The car hit a patch of ice and slewed around violently. He slewed the van to the left to avoid th ...
upper class accent لهجه ی باکلاس لهجه ی پولداری لحن اشرافی
به نقل از هزاره: صفت. 1. {بیسکوییت و غیره} خشک، شکننده، ترد؛ {میوه وسبزی} تازه، تروتازه 2. {هوا} سرد و خشک، گزنده؛ 3. {مو} فرفری 4. {شیوه، پاسخ} قاط ...
Slack Face 1. A facial expression that is neutral; the facial muscles are relaxed. 2. Also used to describe a person who is exhausted and spent, utt ...
نوعی پتو، لحاف یا رو انداز بافتنی با طرح های بسیار زیبا
security detail گارد امنیتی، تیم محافظ ها
گاهی به صورت اصطلاح به کار می ره و به این معنیه که شخص اون قدری که دلش می خواد نتونسته کار رو سریع انجام بده، درواقع یعنی دیگه طاقتش تموم شده یا خیلی ...
همچنان و مثل قبل در جای خود ایستادن/ در جای خود بودن همچنان روی پا بودن به صورت اصطلاحی هم استفاده می شه: مثلاً همه اطراف من زمین خوردن ( شکست خوردن ...
used to tell someone that they should accept a criticism that another person has made used to say that something said or suggested about a person is ...
رجوع شود به draw oneself up
draw ( oneself ) up to ( one's ) full height: To stand up straight, often to project confidence or prestige. People would be more apt to take you se ...
Go on the Offensive: ( also take the offensive ) to start attacking or criticizing someone before they start attacking or criticizing you Republica ...
Restrain ( a reaction ) or stop oneself acting on ( an emotion ) ‘she stifled a giggle’ دختر جلوی خنده اش را گرفت. جلوی خنده، نفس نفس زدن و . . . ...
has an edge to one's voice: If someone's voice has an edge to it, it has a sharp, bitter, or emotional quality. But underneath the humour is an edge ...
Noted or So Noted: It's a slang for "Got it" or "I understood". . . "Noted" in conversation usually means something like: "I've made a mental note ...
slump over to be sitting still in a position that is not upright I spent the evening slumped in front of the TV. They found him slumped over the whe ...
If an infected area of the body is angry, it is red and painful: On her leg was an angry sore. همون طور که در ابتدای صفحه هم آمده: در مورد زخم، جای ...
to say something very quietly: "Here they come, " he breathed. خیلی خیلی آهسته حرف زدن، پچ پچ کردن
I know what I know تقریبا اصلاحه به این معنی که من می دونم دارم چی می گم، من از چیزی که می گم مطمئنم
پوشش، نقش Don’t ruin my cover نقشم رو خراب نکن/ پوششم رو از بین نبر
chiseled face If you say that someone, usually a man, has chiseled features, you mean that their face has a strong, clear bone structure. His chisel ...
limp hair If you describe something as limp, you mean that it is soft or weak when it should be firm or strong dull hair, hair that breaks easily an ...
security footage فیلم دوربین های امنیتی یا مداربسته
different from the ordinary in a way that causes curiosity or suspicion a downtown musician with crazy notions of what's stylish and what's not Syno ...
Crooked Smile: A crooked smile is uneven and bigger on one side than the other لبخند کجکی، حالتی که گوشه ی یک لبمون بالاتره
in a way that shows that you are happy and confident: He scampered jauntily down the stairs. She was wearing a colourful scarf tied jauntily around ...
کسی که بقیه رو آروم می کنه توی بحث ها یا شرایط سخت و کلا طرفدار آرامش و آروم کردنه
با بی تفاوتی ای که از روی بی مسئولیتی و بی فکری باشه
cock an eyebrow ابرو بالا بردن ( بیشتر به نشونه ی طلبکار بودن، حالت عاقل اندر سفیه، منتظر جواب بودن و مشکوک بودن و ایناست و با اون ابرو بالا بردنی ک ...
اصطلاح: you've got it you got this you got it تو می تونی/ از پسش برمی آی/کارت درسته باشه/ خیالت جمع/ حق با توئه/ ردیفه/ حله/هر چی تو بگی
the process of encouraging members of a group to work well together, for example by having them take part in activities or games: The company puts a ...
:School secretary At most schools, the secretary is a key player in communicating with parents and community members about what's happening at schoo ...
to start something again, from the point where you stopped We’ll pick up this conversation when I come back. از سر گرفتن چیزی، مثل مکالمه یا یه فعال ...
مثل وقتی که ما موقع حرف زدن چیزی رو اشتباه می گیم و می گیم: چیزه. . . مثلا به جای آره می گیم نه: - آره، چیزه. . . نه. yes, er no مثلا طرف اسم دوس ...
When a baby crows, it makes sudden cries of happiness. صدای بچه وقتی که با خوشحالی جیغ می کشه to talk in a proud and annoying way about something y ...
to make a deep harsh sound صحبت کردن با صدای گرفته و خش دار، مثلا وقتی که بدنمون درد می کنه یا سرما خوردیم یا هرچیزی که باعث بشه صدامون درنیاد
in a way that is without hope ناامیدانه، با منفی نگری in a worried, serious, or sad way با نگرانی، جدیت یا ناراحتی in an ugly or unpleasant way The ...
1. To unexpectedly forget something. Can you remind me of your name? I'm so sorry, but I'm completely blanking out right now! یک دفعه چیزی را فراموش ...
What Does it Mean if a Property is “Coming Soon?” In real estate, the label “coming soon” means a property listing is not officially on the market an ...
با صدای زیر و جیغ جیغو حرف زدن
گیج وویج اول صبح ها معنیه خواب آلود هم می ده
leave it to somebody ( to do something ) American English spoken informal: used to say that no one should be surprised that someone does something, ...
a small valley or gulch دره ی کوچک یا آبراهه گاهی به معنی فرورفتگی کم عمق در سطح یک جسم هم استفاده می شه که اصطلاحا دارن به همون دره تشبیهش می کنن.
Construction paper, also known as sugar paper, is coloured cardstock paper. The texture is slightly rough, and the surface is unfinished. Due to the ...
از چیزی سر در نیاوردن اصطلاحا می گیم هیچی حالیش نشد/ نمی شد