پیشنهادهای فرهادی (٣٩١)
A sudden silence occurred ( among those present ) in an otherwise noisy setting. A hush fell over the audience as the famous pianist took the stage. ...
If you do something with a flourish, you do it with one big, noticeable movement: The waiter handed me the menu with a flourish. He took off his hat ...
several or many https://www. collinsdictionary. com/ many different The dish can be prepared in any number of ways https://www. merriam - webster. ...
دست به سر کردن
roar of fire تنوره ی آتش غوغای آتش بزرگ
( in Irish folklore ) an obligation or prohibition magically imposed on a person. https://www. lexico. com/ یه چیزی تو مایه های طلسم، نفرین، افسون ...
unlikely adjective ( NOT EXPECTED ) [ only before noun ] not the same as you would usually expect: He's an unlikely - looking doctor ( = he is not w ...
سطوحی که روشون شن، ماسه یا گردوخاک هست و زیر دست و پا حس می شه.
درواقع درست ترش میشه 1/5 برابر چیزی بودن در هر مقیاسی، یا 0/5 برابر �بزرگ تر� بودن از چیزی باز هم در هر مقیاسی*
half again as much/many/tall/long used to say that the size or amount of one thing is 50 percent more than another If 100 people were expected and ...
to get what one wished for https://www. merriam - webster. com/ به آرزو رسیدن رسیدن به چیزی که می خواستیم
A frustrated emotion is one that you are not able to express: her frustrated love for him https://dictionary. cambridge. org/ سر به مهر نهفته برای چ ...
animals specifically kept to breed from https://www. collinsdictionary. com A breeding stock is a group of males and females which act as parents of ...
Apparently suitable; promising. ‘a likely - looking spot’ https://www. lexico. com/ apparently qualified : SUITABLE a likely place https://www. mer ...
A decision made hastily, recklessly, or without careful consideration. https://idioms. thefreedictionary. com/ a judgment or decision made quickly, ...
with maximum effort or speed https://www. collinsdictionary. com/ با حداکثر توان یا سرعت
to defeat someone or something by using a lot of force: Government troops have overwhelmed the rebels and seized control of the capital. https://dic ...
Suffering from exhaustion or stress. ‘he looked a little ragged, a little shadowy beneath the eyes’ https://www. lexico. com/ ( of a person ) unti ...
to try to hit someone https://dictionary. cambridge. org/ to try to hit ( someone or something ) by moving something She swung her purse at me. She ...
رجوع شود به without warning
معنی منفی هم داره: اضطراب، پریشانی، استرس
a. an exclamation of frustration when something is ruined b. an exclamation when something is completed https://www. collinsdictionary. com/ said wh ...
محکم به زمین نشستن
the act of moving in a way that often changes direction: He described the idiotic weaving around of other drivers. https://dictionary. cambridge. or ...
باهات موافقم هرچی تو بگی
نیزه ی غیرجنگی نیزه ی ساده
duck behind sth or someone پشت کسی یا چیزی پنهان گرفتن
برای عصبانی کردن برای حرص درآوردن برای اذیت کردن برای آزار رساندن همینجوری الکی
to move your eyes around in a circle because someone has said or done something stupid or strange: "Don't pay any attention to what he says, " Carrie ...
رجوع شود به roll your eyes
از سر دلسوزی
Sarcastic way to tell someone you disagree Person 1: I thought that movie was great! Person 2: That makes one of us Person 1: I'd hit that Person 2: ...
sleep in snatches تکه تکه خوابیدن مدام از خواب پریدن
منتظر بودن انتظار کشیدن
. . . , if come to that اگه کار به اونجا بکشه، . . . اگه همچین اتفاقی بیفته، . . .
افکار پریشان افکار مشوش ذهن شلوغ
می فهمم
شیب دادن و خم کردن
"Giving someone a look" means looking at someone with a certain emotion. You can "give someone a look" when you're angry at them, when you think they ...
نگهبان دروازه دربان
به هیچ وجه هیچ جوره
destined for failure محکوم به شکست
a rambling building has an irregular shape and covers a large area a rambling old farmhouse https://www. ldoceonline. com/
odd - sized در اندازه های مختلف اندازه های جورواجور ( بیشتر از نظر نامنظمی و ناهمگونیِ اندازه ها )
To remove something partially or fully ( from something's surface ) by peeling it. A noun or pronoun can be used between "peel" and "back. " I love p ...
To score a 'brace' means that you have scored two goals in a game www. goal. com زدنِ دو گل در مسابقه ی فوتبال
There is no point in what - ifs اینجا می تونیم "کاش" هم معنی کنیم با کاش کاش کردن هیچ اتفاقی نمی افته کاش کاش کردن هیچ فایده ای نداره
صحنه سازی