پیشنهادهای نسرین رنجبر (٤٨٧)
frighten or overawe ( someone ) , especially in order to make them do what one wants ایجاد وحشت کردن تهدید کردن
to a great degree : in many parts تا حدود زیادی
addle - brained, backward, brainless, a bit lacking, foolish, idiot ساده ساده لوح خنگ کودن عقب افتاده
Something is at your exact level, it's easy enough for you to do, not to too easy, but not hard to do either. کاملا راحت کاملا ساده
something that provides 100% meaning, clarity, reason, logic, understanding about an issue, an idea, a topic it makes total sense کاملا منطقی است کا ...
If you say that something is touch and go, you mean that you are uncertain whether it will happen or succeed. Uncertain, risky, precarious نامشخص نا ...
a limitation or obstruction to sight or discernment. تعصبات افکار و احساساتی که مانع درک صحیح میشوند
To relax or feel secure about something یک نفس راحت کشیدن Now that exams are over with, I can breathe easy حالا که امتحانها تموم شده میتونم یه نفس ر ...
نفس راحتی کشیدن
breathe ( ones ) last: to die مردن از دنیا رفتن
be carried away ( on water or on the air ) از نظر دور شدن ناپدید شدن The boat floated away on the lake قایق بر روی دریاچه از نظر دور شد.
doing something correctly or well در مسیر درست بودن درست پیش رفتن you are on the right track: درست میگی داری درست پیش میری
A small showy ornament or piece of jewelry وسیلۀ تزئینی ( دکوری ) کوچک بدلیجات
راستش، . . . . .
به کمک کسی رفتن ( شتافتن ) save someone from a bad situation
به کمک کسی رفتن ( شتافتن )
work for ( someone or something ) 1. . . . To work in exchange for something, as a sum or salary of money. در قبال/ در ازای چیزی کار کردن I offered ...
mature or develop in a promising or healthy way. پیشرفت کردن ترقی کردن
to maintain relations in good spirits to promote each other . to move in harmony. با هم هماهنگ بودن
to succeed in finding ( something ) ( بالاخره، در نهایت ) پیدا کردن he hunted me down بالاخره تونست منو پیدا کنه.
Completely puzzled and perplexed, not knowing what to do کاملاً گیج شدن، حیران شدن I've tried every possible source without success, and now I'm at m ...
it begs the question ( of a fact or action ) raise a point that has not been dealt with; invite an obvious question. این سؤال را پیش میآورد، این پر ...
be descended from a particular group or family. "she comes from a family of Muslim scholars" در یک خانواده یا جامعۀ . . . . به دنیا آمدن ( زاده شدن ...
greatly exceeding the general level or average Outside of the normal range of measurement; beyond expectations خیلی، بسیار خیلی زیاد خیلی بالا فوق ا ...
to push someone down onto the ground and to hold them so that they cannot move پشت کسی ( یا چیزی ) را به زمین زدن
an overwhelming quantity of things or people happening or appearing at the same time. خیل عظیم، موج the new rule provoked a flood of complaints قانو ...
در کمال تعجب در کمال ناباوری
پاکسازی، زدایش
مهمترین، شاخصترین، جامعترین، عمده ترین
in addition, besides علاوه بر این، به علاوه in that case, therefore بنابراین
as an adjective: not involving or requiring direct involvement or intervention. بدون دخالت مستقیم
نکتۀ مهم مسئلۀ اصلی نکتۀ اصلی/مهم داستان/ماجرا
You can say speaking of something that has just been mentioned, as a way of introducing a new topic which has some connection with that thing. speak ...
informal•North American happen. اتفاق افتادن، در حال رخ دادن بودن "?you really don't know what's going down واقعاً نمیدونید چه خبره؟ ( چه اتفاقاتی د ...
informal•British be sent to prison. به زندان افتادن "he went down for three years"
give vitality and enthusiasm to. جان دادن انرژی دادن انرژی بخشیدن
1. In agreement. They need to be at one with each other when they choose their wedding date. 2. Very connected to or in harmony with someone or some ...
to increase and become more obvious. Tension could bubble up again at any time. شدت پیدا کردن بیشتر شدن
Of time, to pass very quickly and unnoticeably. These summer days just slide by, don't they? I can't believe it's nearly August already! گذشتن سپری ...
be superior or better than some standard فراتر بودن برتر بودن
برقرار ماندن
no matter what happens هر اتفاقی هم که بیافته، تحت هر شرایطی "we told him we'd back him whatever" به او گفتیم تحت هر شرایطی ازش حمایت میکنیم/هواشو ...
to learn the skills that are needed to do ( something ) راه و چاه کاری را یاد گرفتن
شاهد ناظر
احمق خل وضع سبک مغز کودن a flighty or thoughtless person
ذهن کسی را آشفته کردن ذهن کسی را به هم ریختن کسی را گیج کردن
تهی گاه
جفت و جور کردن
informl: an unpleasant or dreary place دخمه، خرابه "why are you living in a dump like this واسه چی تو یه همچین دخمه ای زندگی میکنی؟
ابزار محرک وسیلۀ تحریک به عنوان فعل: تحریک کردن Draw a strong emotional reaction from someone, especially anger or sexual arousal For example: My mo ...