پیشنهادهای نسرین رنجبر (٤٨٧)
informal ( ironic ) synonym: generous � kind � kindly � kindhearted � caring � compassionate � loving � benevolent � magnanimous بخشنده، بزرگوار، بل ...
نابود کردن تار و مار کردن ( درمورد طعم ) غالب بودن
corn that has bluish kernels used to make flour and is grown especially in the southwestern U. S ذرت آبی رنگ ( نوعی ذرت با رنگ آبی تیره که در جنوب ...
as a verb: be partner of به عنوان فعل: همراهی کردن young farmers who partnered Isabel to the village dance کشاورزان جوانی که ایزابل را در مراسم رقص د ...
to treat someone or something as being more important than anyone or anything else به کسی یا چیزی بیشتر اهمیت دادن/توجه کردن کسی یا چیزی را در اولویت ...
Interjection. Used to express surprise, shock, or amazement خدای من! وای، خدایا!
To talk continuously and too much زیاد حرف زدن پر حرفی کردن وراجی کردن
باعث خجالت باعث شرم مایه خجالت مایه شرمساری
having successfully achieved or being within sight of achieving one's objective In a secure or comfortable position, especially because of being cert ...
get past or over ( something ) safely or without touching it. بدون تماس با چیزی از آن رد شدن "the plane rose high enough to clear the trees" هواپیم ...
involving injustice or illegality ناعادلانه غیرقانونی
exaggerate in describing or depicting ( someone or something ) اغراق کردن بیش از اندازه ارزش قائل شدن "some of the characters were overdrawn" درمورد ...
expose to future risk or constraint for the sake of immediate advantage. به خطر انداختن، تهدید کردن "some people worry that selling off state asset ...
a rough, tight embrace. سفت/محکم بغل کردن چلاندن
چیزی شبیه به
To count and record an itemized list of items in one's inventory. تهیه کردن فهرست/سیاهه
To guide or escort one through something or some place. راهنمایی کردن همراهی کردن جایی یا چیزی را به کسی نشان دادن My parents are visiting for the w ...
despite what has just been said همۀ این ها به کنار، . . . با این همه، . . .
having no feeling; numb. بی حس، بی حال
امور معنوی
used to emphasize that a statement is one's personal opinion. synonyms: for my ( own ) part � for myself � according to my way of thinking � to my ...
فایل صوتی
درگیر چیزی بودن خود را درگیر چیزی کردن
bearing that in mind با توجه به این با فرض این بر این اساس
said or written to wish a person well on ending a letter or parting used to wish someone happiness and success ( عبارتی که معمولا در پایان نامه و ی ...
profound or penetrating in awareness or understanding. دانا، خردمند، بابصیرت، روشنفکر، فهمیده difficult to understand. مبهم، نامفهوم ( چیزی که درک ...
the transport of goods by sea or some other means. ارسال/فرستادن/انتقال کالا ( از طریق دریا و یا به هر وسیلۀ دیگر ) synonyms: sending � mailing � ...
release ( someone ) from duty by taking their place. پست را از کسی تحویل گرفتن another signalman relieved him at 5. 30 ساعت 5:30 دیده بان دیگری پس ...
to talk to someone; to confer with someone briefly briefly make or renew contact with someone صحبت کردن ( راجع به موضوعی و به طور خلاصه ) مشورت کرد ...
A public figure is a person, such as a politician, celebrity, social media personality, or business leader, who has a certain social position within ...
a state of perfect enlightenment sought in Buddhism در مذهب بودا: وضعیت بیداریف هوشیاری یا اگاهی کامل
متوجهم می فهمم
a position of agreement or alliance پیمان قرارداد
To have an argument, verbal fight, or frank discussion ( with someone ) , especially to settle something that has caused anger, frustration, or annoy ...
To undergo extreme stress, as from working too much در معرض اظطراب ( استرس ) شدید قرار گرفتن دچار اضطراب ( استرس ) زیاد شدن
the act or practice of talking to oneself, either aloud or silently and mentally گفتگوی درونی
To trust or follow an intuition or instinct بر اساس غرایز ( احساسات درونی ) خود رفتار کردن بر غرایز ( احساسات درونی ) خود اطمینان کردن
A tax attorney is a type of lawyer who specializes in tax law. These professionals are uniquely equipped to handle legal tax matters, such as settlin ...
of a plan or method ) have the desired result or effect ) نتیجه دادن مؤثر بودن
to put sth in someones lap To make someone responsible for something مسئولیت چیزی را به گردن کسی انداختن
uncertainty about what is happening, intended, or required. uncertainty hesitation تردید، دودلی
You can use one way or another or one way or the other when you want to say that something definitely happens, but without giving any details about h ...
inasmuch as. in case. in other words. بنابراین پس در اینصورت به عبارت دیگر
a corner where the view of the road ahead is completely obscured or very restricted a street corner that you cannot see around as you are driving. ن ...
to succeed in understanding something difficult or strange درک کردن فهمیدن متوجه شدن سر درآوردن I find it hard to get my mind around such complex is ...
پذیرفتن مسئولیت If you say 'The buck stops here' or 'The buck stops with me', you mean that you have to take responsibility for something and will n ...
حنابندان شب حنابندان مراسم حنابندان
کینه به دل گرفتن
تو رو خدا تو رو به خدا
without realizing or being aware of one's actions ناخودآگاه "Ben smiled unconsciously when he heard her voice" بن با شنیدن صدای او ناخودآگاه خندید