پیشنهادهای نسرین رنجبر (٤٨٧)
رها کردن I shrug the backpack from my shoulders کوله پشتی ام را از روی شانه ام رها میکنم.
prevent from being seen. پوشاندن پنهان کردن
slang: No; not interested; absolutely not Hard pass is another way to say that you really don't want something that has been offered to you به هیچ و ...
talk foolishly, indiscreetly, or excessively. حرف مفت زدن وراجی کردن حرف بیخود زدن
a bacterial infection that results in the death of parts of the body's soft tissue. It is a severe disease of sudden onset that spreads rapidly. Symp ...
move effortlessly; glide with a swaying motion به نرمی/راحتی حرکت کردن
to walk especially when it is difficult To walk continuously, deliberately, and carefully درست راه رفتن ( مخصوصاً در شرایط سخت )
a set of lockers that can be used to deposit items, such as items bought online, for later collection مجموعه ای از کمدها و یا گاوصندقها که درون مدارس ...
Pale green is any green that is heavily saturated with white. The word pale means light colored or colorless. As a color name, pale greens are often ...
:dated•informal an escape or release from prison فرار کردن و یا آزاد شدن از زندان
get very angry. عصبانی شدن از کوره در رفتن
to be completely unable to guess, understand, or deal with something: هیچ اطلاعی ندارم هیچ ایده ای ندارم نمیدونم Who invented algebra? I don't have ...
An expression of pleasant surprise following some good fortune. Can be used ironically to express the opposite ( به صورت کنایه هم به کار میرود ) : ...
showing a lack of comprehension or reaction. to ignore someone or pretend that you have not seen them or do not know them بی اعتنایی کردن عکس العمل ...
to sit or lie down in a heavy or careless way to sit down or land heavily or without taking care, or to put something down without taking care نشستن ...
to get ( information ) from ( someone ) by asking many questions, by using clever methods of persuasion, etc اطلاعات از کسی کشیدن از زیر زبون کسی حرف ...
رازی را از زیر زبان کسی بیرون کشیدن
to try to find something inside a place or container by searching in every part of it گشتن یا زیر و روکردن جایی/چیزی به منظور یافتن اطلاعات و یا یک ش ...
working very fast or effectively. to be or become very active, exciting, or productive To a faster or more intense pace با شدت/سرعت بیشتر Fuel pr ...
never; not in any situation هرگز تحت هر شرایطی امکان نداره
نه برای افرادی مثل من نه برای کسانی که شبیه/مثل من هستند
To convince or persuade someone into temporarily believing an untruth; to fool someone, especially briefly کسی رو گول زدن / دست انداختن/ مسخره کردن ( ...
extreamly به شدت کاملاً a deadly serious remark یک اظهارنظر به شدت جدی
To take turns throwing something lightly or casually between one another میان هم رد و بدل کردن به هم پاس دادن We will toss the ball back and forth ...
عجب دیوونه ای عجب آدم احمقی nut: a person who is crazy, foolish or strange
jerk back/up/forwards etc Suddenly ( ناگهان / به سرعت ) خود را کنار کشیدن/ عقب رفتن / کنار رفتن He jerked away when I tried to pat him on the shou ...
to move into a relaxed, comfortable position آرام گرفتن
to rise hastily and/or with untidy movements from a seated or semi - recumbent position به سرعت از جای خود برخاستن / بلند شدن When his boss appeared ...
used to tell someone that in one's own opinion what that person thinks or believes is wrong. A sarcastic, rhetorical response to an obvious statemen ...
mentally prepare ( oneself ) to do or face something difficult. آماده شدن/ایجاد آمادگی ذهنی برای شرایطی سخت یا ناراحت کننده
It seems like fun به نظر جالب میاد باید جالب باشه
partly closed or seeming to be partly closed نیمه باز To look with the eyes partly closed, as in bright sunlight. با چشمان نیمه باز نگاه کردن ( us ...
به هدف زدن
to think or talk seriously and carefully about something تحقیق کردن بررسی کردن تعمق کردن سنجیدن اندیشه کردن
Weak individual - a person of weak character, weak physical constitution, weak mental constitution, or all three. ضعیف/سست ( از لحاظ جسمی و یا ذهنی ...
move or drive backwards. عقب عقب رفتن ( ماشین ) دنده عقب رفتن Sam backed up, and leaned against the wall سام عقب عقب رفت و به دیوار تکیه کرد.
away from or not belonging to a particular group or institution. از کسی یا از گروهی جدا بودن ( به گروهی تعلق نداشتن )
If you say that something is bound to happen, you mean that you are sure it will happen, because it is a natural consequence of something that is alr ...
( idiomatic, usually as imperative ) To disregard, omit, or ignore the previous statement اصلاً ولش کن بی خیال
A wall or vertical surface made of rock, especially a rock face دیوار سنگی دیوارۀ سنگی
to cause ( someone ) to have an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or fear ترساندن ایجاد اضطراب کردن مضطرب کردن to be creeped out: ترسیدن احساس ...
make or become stronger or more intense قوی تر شدن بیشتر شدن
a particularly disorganized person or chaotic situation آشفته به هم ریخته درهم و برهم
Said of something that has an even greater impact or effect than what is readily apparent, considering the context emphasizing that something is more ...
If you describe something as stomach - churning, you mean that it is so unpleasant that it makes you feel physically sick دل آشوبه احساس دل به هم خور ...
verify, ascertain, or monitor the state or condition of someone or something سر زدن سراغ گرفتن بررسی کردن
To move up and down, back and forth freely or haphazardly تکان خوردن، به این طرف و آ ن طرف رفتن To move or swing something up and down, back and for ...
To affirm honesty/sincerety in a comment, phrase, or statement. در زبان عامیانه: دقیقاً، همینطوره، درسته، راست میگه I heard Kanye's comin' to town. ...
sort of یه جورایی، به نوعی، بگی نگی I did sorta like the movie یه جورایی از فیلم خوشم اومد
informal•North American: old - fashioned or reminiscent of the past of a kind or style that was popular in the pas قدیمی