پیشنهادهای نسرین رنجبر (٤٨٧)
to persuade someone to tell you something that he/she does not want to tell you از زیر زبون کسی حرف کشیدن
جدا شدن کنده شدن Another piece of my heart splinters away تکۀ دیگری از قلبم جدا میشود
سنگ شور شده ( درمورد جین )
the bright pink colour that is typical of bubblegum. صورتی رنگ ( رنگ صورتی آدامسی )
صف غذای گرم
محاوره ای: باز خوبه. . .
If you are dripping wet, you are so wet that water is dripping from you مثل موش آب کشیده
laughing so hard than no sound comes out, often resulting in wierd noises, clapping like a seal, falling over and stomach aches ریسه رفتن به شدت خندی ...
away from the body, with one's arm fully extended. با فاصلۀ کوتاهی از بدن ( درحالیکه شخص دستش را دراز کرده ) I held the telephone at arm's length ت ...
To steal دزدیدن ربودن
( of a person or their manner ) unpleasantly or insincerely polite or ingratiating چاپلوس متملق خودشیرین
That's all me' is a colloquial way of saying, 'All that is my doing کار خودمه
Louisville Slugger was the brand of a very popular wooden baseball bat. It was made in Louisville, Kentucky چوب بیسبال لوئیزویل
a "slugger" is someone who hits the ball ( in baseball match ) very very far
for which vengeance has not been taken بی تقاص
( درمورد ابرو ) درهم گره خوردن
a large bag with a long strap, worn across the body. کیف دوشی اداری ( کیف دوشی مستطیلی شکل با بند بلند که بیشتر مورد استفاده آقایان است و به بندش ص ...
following very close behind one, often persistently and to one's annoyance دنبال کسی بودن پشت سر کسی بودن
میخکوب شدن بی حرکت ماندن
move very fast in a specified direction به سرعت حرکت کردن به سرعت دویدن
to swap out sth for sth: To replace or exchange someone or something with another person or thing عوض کردن
completely dark تاریکی محض
make ( someone ) feel ashamed, humiliate تحقیر کردن خجل کردن
having eyes that are void of expression, life, or warmth, esp because of drugs or alcohol نگاه سرد و بی روح
a short laugh, and not very loud لبخند خندۀ کوتاه
be very bad or unpleasant. بد و ناخوشایند "I love your country but your weather sucks کشورتون رو دوست دارم ولی آب و هوای خوبی نداره.
suddenly give expression to violent emotion, especially anger از کوره در رفتن
To fall or lower ( oneself ) , as due to exhaustion, weakness, despair, etc ( از خستگی ) ( روی زمین، مبل، . . . ) افتادن ولو شدن نقش زمین شدن I cam ...
to get oneself into ( a desired position, situation, etc. ) in a gradual and usually clever or dishonest way به آرامی وارد شدن ( راه یافتن ) راه پید ...
If my knowledge was not more than ( different from ) what I know now اگر اطلاع نداشتم اگر نمیدانستم اگر خبر نداشتم
A money clip is a small device used to store cash, important papers, and credit cards in lieu of a wallet. ( وسیله ای که از یک صفحه فلزی یا چوبی و ...
make someone's head/mind is in a spin used to say that someone is feeling very confused گیج شدن
. Acting in a stealthy, furtive way, Unavowed; secret. یواشکی مخفیانه
a small building for storing garden tools, bicycles, and other equipment انبار ( لوازم باغبانی )
so. thus. accordingly. consequently, then, thenceforth در نتیجه بنابراین سپس
to shock someone or have a sudden strong effect on someone شوکه کردن، متعجب کردن، تکان دادن، ناگهان با چیزی مواجه شدن، ناگهان چیزی را فهمیدن News o ...
an appropriate time for doing something; an opportunity. فرصت I was waiting for the right moment to tell him منتظر فرصت مناسب بودم تا بهش بگم
informal•North American: without hesitation or reservation. فوراً بلافاصله بی درنگ به سرعت
clean ( a motor vehicle ) thoroughly به طور کامل پاکسازی/تمیز کردن
a very close friend دوست نزدیک رفیق صمیمی رفیق قدیمی
to actively accept challenges and seek more responsibility, especially in order to progress in your career کنار آمدن با مشکلات و چالشها و پذیرش مسئول ...
to have an important emotional effect on someone برای کسی مهم بودن/ اهمیت داشتن/ارزش داشتن it wasn't a valuable picture but it meant a lot to me تابل ...
to pay attention to someone or something If you keep track of something, you make sure to know about what is happening ( or has happened ) to it. مر ...
to process information in the context of what you believe, how you think, how you feel, or what your intuitive senses are telling you به درون خود رجو ...
willing to consider new ideas or different ideas before making a decision or a judgment از ایده ها و نظرات جدید استقبال کردن ایده ها و نظرات جدید/مخ ...
When you have an insight, you have a feeling or emotion or thought that helps you to know something essential about a person or thing When you gain i ...
in a way that is extremely surprising خیلی/ واقعا عجیب بود که در کمال تعجب Amazingly enough, no one else has applied for the job واقعا عجیب بود که ...
not concealing one's thoughts or feelings; frank and communicative رک روراست بی پرده بی ریا
be completely destroyed از بین رفتن نابود شدن ویران شدن