I was consequently forced to desist, and in the evening was so ill with a slow fever, that I could not sit on horseback, and was obliged to proceed in a cajava. These are panniers made of wood, ...
The above is merely a short general sketch, to explain the accompanying print
Several sculptures represent a combat between two horsemen, but unfortunately they have been very much defaced: the execution is very spirited
در یک کتاب سفرنامه انگلیسی مربوط به ۲۰۰ سال پیش نام چند دماغه در خلیج فارس و دریای عمان آمده است که نام امروزی آنها را نیافتم: Cape Fillam, Cape Muksa Bassadore, این آخری دماغه نیست
ترجمه قسمت پررنگ چی میشه؟ On rising from my dormitory on deck I wrung the wet from my cloak, but sustained no bad effect from this exposure to the night damp.