پرسشها با تگ (تبدیل مجهول به معلوم)
کدام حیوان تا هنگامیکه جفتش در کنارش نباشد لب به غذا نمی زند ؟
Has he finished his homework?
Were the cookies eaten by the children? Was the movie watched by many people? Will the book be read by the students?
Was the cake baked by your mom?
Will the report be submitted by the deadline این جمله ی مجهول رو به معلوم تبدیل کنید .
Can she play the piano? Has he read the book?
میشه این جمله رو به حالت مجهول بنویسید : Have you finished your work?
مجهول جمله ی Did you finish your homework? چی میشه ؟
اگه بخوام جمله ی مجهول رو معلوم کنم باید چی کار کنم ؟ Will the party be attended by many people?
این جمله ی مجهول رو به معلوم تبدیل کنید Were the chairs moved by someone?