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پرسش‌ها با تگ (تست زبان)

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تست "tag question"  کدوم گزینه درسته ؟ He's still sleeping, ________  is not he?  isn't he?  wasn't he?

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سلام کسی میتونه تو این تست واژگان کمک کنه ؟ -Michael soon realized that his wife was ……… and that she would never have a child.  1) barren  2) repulsive  3) serene  4) tacit

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کدام گزینه صحیحه ؟ During the course of its growth, a frog undergoes a true metamorphosis ……… with a fish like larval stage.  1) begin  2) began  3) beginning  4) is begun

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کدوم حالت "will" درسته ؟ Nobody knew that one day he _____ be rich.  will  would  would to

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کدوم گزینه درسته ؟ What do you think I _____ do?  should  should to  shouldn't to

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کدوم گزینه برا این جمله درسته ؟ we will ............. building work in august of next year consume commence conflict compete

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کدوم گزینه ؟ اگه میشه دلیل هم بگید  My mother _________ cook on Sundays.  used to  is used to

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سلام کدوم شکل فعل درسته ؟ My teacher said my essay needs ________ by tomorrow. correcting  to correct corrected

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کدوم شکل فعل "have" برا این جمله مناسبه ؟ You seem to be _____ problems with your washing machine. A) have  B) to have  C) have had  D) having

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