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١ سال پیش

Guese the concept and meaning of "use the door get on the floor."

I myself know it, just intend to test your analytical and comprehension ability. 

DO NOT    look it up in dictionaries, cause you can't find it.  Even don't google it.

It's a piece of cake. We can use it in many places instead of ........ 😊

Don't visualize complex sentences and mind-boggling contexts and structures. 


Mr. Noroozi, if there is a certain and standard message behind this phrase, then that's just it. But if it's some kind of phrase created by some original mother tongue users in the modern era or near decades to the current time, then it's not something very commen to say yet.

١ سال پیش

Hello and thank you for your attention. I'd appreciate it if you read all comments and ideas. The best.

١ سال پیش

٨ پاسخ

مرتب سازی بر اساس:

The phrase "use the door get on the floor" appears to be a playful twist on the common phrase "get on the floor," which is often used as an instruction in situations like dance classes, exercise routines, or emergency drills. In this context, "use the door" could be interpreted as a humorous addition, suggesting that instead of engaging in whatever activity typically follows "get on the floor," one should leave the room or exit through the door. It's a light-hearted way of indicating a departure or exit from a situation.

٨ ماه پیش

سلام . ممنونم امیدوارم شما هم خوب باشید.  زدم تو کار ادبیات، دانشگاه رشته حقوق برداشتم  بدبخت کردم خودمو...

اتفاقا  از دور دارم میبینم  ولی خوب  نمیشه کاریش کرد وقتی عین مور و ملخ میریزن سوالارو درست یا غلط پاسخ میدن ، فقط میتونم بین جواب درست و غلط جواب درستو لایک کنم🥲 

١ سال پیش

آخ آخ آخ . . . . . حرف دل منو زدید. سوال لایک میکنن😅. همزمان لایک پاسخ صحیح و غلط 😂😭😳. والا به خدا آورده و خروجی معنوی و مادی این آبادیس برای مالکانش هست و چیزی برای کاربر جماعت نداره. حالا بعضیا چرا خودشون رو میکشن لایک جمع کنن، الله اعلم. منم زیاد دل و دماغ ندارم و چند وقتیه فقط در حد سواد و وقتی که دارم برای پاسخ به بعضی سوالات و نه هر نوع سوالی، یه چیزی می نویسم. اما اگر تونستید گاها یه حرکتی بزنید، خانم سخایی هم مثل شما چند وقت نبودن، اما مجدد تشریف آوردن. ایشون هم هم نظر هستند.

١ سال پیش

دقیقا به همین دلایلی که خودتون هم گفتین حرص نخورید
اینا همه میرن خوباشون میمونن🤟

١ سال پیش

The phrase "use the door, get on the floor" is likely a playful or humorous twist on the more common phrase "everyone walk the dinosaur." The original phrase is a line from a popular song, "The Dinosaur Song" or "Walk the Dinosaur," which was released by the band Was (Not Was) in the late 1980s. The full line from the song is "Open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur."

The song is known for its catchy and repetitive lyrics, and it has been used in various forms of media and popular culture. The phrase itself doesn't have a specific or profound meaning; it's more of a fun and memorable expression from the song.

In your context, you're suggesting that "use the door, get on the floor" can be used in various places as a playful or humorous phrase, similar to the original "walk the dinosaur." It's a way of injecting some light-heartedness or fun into a conversation.

١ سال پیش

The phrase "Use the door, get on the floor" is a line from a popular children's song often used as a fun and interactive game. It is often followed by "Everybody walk the dinosaur" in the song.

The phrase itself doesn't have a deep or complex meaning. It's just a playful and rhythmic way to encourage children (or anyone) to participate in a physical activity, like dancing or moving around. It's meant to be light-hearted and engaging, and it doesn't carry any specific message or concept other than having fun. It's commonly used in a playful context and not intended to convey a deeper meaning.

١ سال پیش

Yo dude, please read all comments. It has, of course, a deep meaning and not to do with children song but also used in black communities in America. And again, read all comments, in particular mine, you see that unlike what you said it's not just a playful way to encourage children to participate in activities. Let's not define expressions and idioms, particularly those ones are slang by our take. More and more wrestle with movies tailored to black guys and street talks. Bless up.

١ سال پیش

Mses Shadi,  Omrani, Amiri and  Sakha'ee (if I'm wrong, correct me) , I  wholeheartedly appreciate  your participation and  the feedbacks you gave me. 

١ سال پیش

It was my pleasure! Thank you for practicing with me. If you have any more questions or would like to practice again in the future, feel free to contact me anytime. All the best!

١ سال پیش

Yeah, sure. It's kind of you. By the way, 2 times I did try to text you in telegram but I couldn't. I think your telegram didn't match well and not work properly.

١ سال پیش

The correct spelling is Sakhaei.
That was an interesting idea for a topic. I enjoyed it.

١ سال پیش

Ms Sakhaei, Ok. Thank you for your active participation. Next time you bring up a question. Enter your ID telegram in your panel.

١ سال پیش

Oh sure, I would like to start a communication. By the way, there's also a problem with your telegram account. Probably it's juat a bug.

١ سال پیش

I've heard it in a movie. 2 black American rappers , even in social life and daily conversations talked in a way that they're on the stage and performing. They used this phrase whenever they wanted to enter or leave a place, a room,  stores you know that, just as a polite formula all people do  in such situations.

Use the door= open the door 

Get on the floor= enter or leave a place

Floor, here is applied figuratively  as a place in general  not just  a surface of a place.

I hope it's fruitful . 

١ سال پیش

چه جالب. به صورت مجازی یعنی، در رو باز کن برو تو یا برو بیرون. بیا تو یا بیا بیرون، و طبق توضیحی که دادید کاربرد خاصی ندارم. یعنی محدود به شرایط خاصی نیست. همه جا میشه استفاده کرد. استفاده روزمره

١ سال پیش

درو وا کن بیا تو / بیا بیرون. درو واکن برو تو برو بیرون. use the door get on the floor. جالب بود

١ سال پیش

Thanks for sharing your insight! You're right, it's interesting how hip hop artists use language in their daily conversations. I really liked your observation and I appreciate you provided the answer.

١ سال پیش

So I think it's not that common for everybody else to use it and it's kind of exclusive to those two rappers, right?

١ سال پیش

Yes, That is not a common expression in social situations. It seems to be a more exclusive phrase that is closely associated with those two rappers, as you mentioned. It might be used by other people who are trying to imitate or emulate their style, but it's not a widely used phrase in everyday conversation. It's more of a fun and quirky phrase, rather than a common phrase that people use to acknowledge their arrival or departure from a place.

١ سال پیش

Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking about 👍

١ سال پیش

Morning sir. Thank you for your time. Hope to share ideas and communicate more and more.

١ سال پیش

Actually, I couldn't guess  the meaning of this phrase, so I had to cheat and ask a friend about it. 
She told me that the phrase is commonly associated with emergency situations and used in the context of fire safety and earthquake preparedness. 
It suggests that in emergency situations, we should use the exit door and then get down to the floor. 

I'm not sure about her explanation and I don't know if it's possible to use this phrase in other places, as you said!

But let me know later.

١ سال پیش

Hi, I wrote the true answer. Send it to your friend and let her know it. I 👍ed your message to help your scores go up.

١ سال پیش

Oh thanks for your kindness! And I'm sure she'll be happy to know such an interesting thing.

١ سال پیش

maybe... Exit a room or leave an area quickly
don't be too hard on me...🫣

١ سال پیش

I did like your view 👍, but not just leave. Leave and enter. By and large It's true. Thank you. I would wirte a bit about this phrase in a message here

١ سال پیش

I'm glad to hear that you liked my view.
that phrase has a fun and playful tone to it .
I guess that is meant to make people laugh or smile.

١ سال پیش

سلام خانم شادی، امیدوارم حالتون خوب باشه. کجایید؟ کلا بیخیال شدید؟ به خانم سخایی هم عرض کردم، اگر صلاح میدونید مجدد فعالیت داشته باشید که یک عده اینجا شدن سوهان روح. برای بالابردن امتیاز، سوال رو هم لایک میکنند. عده ای پاسخ صحیح و اشتباه رو با هم لایک می کنند و دور هم خوش هستند.

١ سال پیش

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