general training به چه معناست ؟
سلام دوستان کسی اینجا کانال رایگان یوتیوب برای آیلتس سراغ داره ؟
چند تا هم معنی برای "get out of it"
کلمه ی معادل فارسی برای "make it efficient"
ترجمه و کاربرد "Down in the dumps" چیه ؟
"domain expert" یعنی چی؟
Ifrah: Which bus goes to the hospital? Antonia: the 236. It--- stops outside.
If you_______pick them up from their house, they would like to come.
کاربرد اصطلاح "speak very highly of you" چیه؟
کاربرد take for granted meaning چیه ؟
ترجمه ی روان اصطلاح "A rolling stone gathers no moss." چی میشه ؟ معادل فارسی داره ؟
جمله ی زیر رو باید با صفت پر کینم یا قید ؟ It's absolutely _____________ when politicians use public money for their own profit.
معنی اصطلاح تخصصی " Peak ground acceleration (PGA)" چیه ؟
Mother: Where’s that fish I bought? It was on the table. Daughter: Oh no! The cat---------- it.
I hate_______to get up early.
He ______ him with his homework.
نقل قول از دونالد ترامپ you gonna make the same if you do as good a job میشه ترجمه کنید .
Saif: Why do you like running? Isabella: Because it’s ----------way to keep fit.
این دو تا جمله معنی های مختلف کدوم کلمه هستن ؟ To rush forward in attack To accuse formally of a crime
I_______up at 8 o'clock every morning.
"انیگما ماشین" چه زمانی اختراع شد ؟ و چه کاری انجام میداد ؟
I fell off a ladder a few years ago and I have been scared of heights ever_______.
If the manager's team had lost, he_______resigned.
I don't have ______ free time.
His parents are_______.
معنی اصطلاح " catch someone in the bad time" به فارسی چی میشه ؟
کاربرد و ترجمه ی " can't stand gerund or infinitive" چیه ؟
معادل انگلیسی "تا سه نشه بازی نشه " چی میشه ؟
ترجمه ی عبارت : Universal life (UL) insurance
______ should be angry, not you.
فرق بین action verb or dynamic verbs
معادل فارسی "Jump To Conclusions" چی باید بگیم ؟
معنی اصطلاح "look up to someone" چی میشه ؟
While the professor was grading the papers, the student made a(n) ......... of the test to give to his friend in another class.
گرامر (linking verbs) رو میشه توضیح بدید .
There were only a few_______at the party.
ترجمه ضرب المثل انگلیسی "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."
جمله شرطی نوع چندمه ؟میشه پرکنید جا خالی هارو If we ____(miss) the train, we ____(take) the next one.
Gradually, Microsoft became the ……… company in the software business.
I ______ fifty pages, but I have to read fifty more.