پیشنهادهای DAFFODIL (٣٦٢)
To be in a dangerous position =To be temporarily on somebody , s bad side در موقعیت خطرناک و نا پایدار
Very enthusiastic =very excited خر ذوق - هیجان زده ( این اصطلاح در واقع کاملا انگلیسی نیست و هنگام جنگ جهانی 2 از زبان چینی وارد زبان انگلیسی شده. )
to interrupt=to interfere دخالت کردن - فضولی کردن
to waste time
something hopeless هدف تحقق نیافتنی
if absolutely necessary اگه کارد به استخوان رسید
To fire someone=get canned
to go bankrupt ورشکسته شدن
A job that wont lead to anything else شغلی که اینده موفقیت امیزی نداره
ready to=on the verge of در استانه. . . . .
Anything , especially food , used to attract fish or other animals so that they may be caught=anything used to tempt or attract a person to begin som ...
Offender=person guilty of a fault or crime خطاکار - مقصر - عامل - باعث - ( منشا مشکل )
. The undernourished child was so feeble he could hardly walk * دچار سو تغذیه شده
Raise in rank or importance=help to grow or develop=help to organize ترویج - گسترش - ترقی - تبلیغ کردن -
این کلمه رو وقتی استفاده میکنیم که میخوایم بگیم فلانی خیلی صرفه جو هس یا پولش رو درست و به جا خرج میکنه یا اقتصادیه. saving=careful in spending= thr ...
upset - cause to break down - گسیختن - قطع کردن - مختل کردن
speak - make known - express
clumsy - not well suited to use - not easily managed معذب - دستپاچه - نامناسب :examples . sally is vey awkward in speaking to the class but quite r ...
A very poor person گدا - بی نوا
Runaway *اکثرا با حرف اضافه from 1=برای انسان فراری 2=برای غیر انسان زودگذر و ناپایدار
Spend foolishly - waste حیف و میل کردن - اسراف - هدر دادن - ولخرجی
a small amount - little bit - something of little value مقدار کم - ذره - کم اهمیت - ناچیز
look angry by lowering the eyebrows - frown اخم و تخم کردن - ابرو درهم کشیدن - ترش رویی کردن
Show scorn or contempt by looks or words - a scornful look or remark تمسخر - پوزخند - ( نگاه کردن با حالت تحقیر امیز ) :example . when offered a dim ...
dislike very much =hate=abhor تنفر
Brave=courageous شجاع - دلاور - تهمتن
go on after having stopped =move forward اقدام کردن - ادامه دادن - وارد شدن :example . When the actor was late the show proceeded without him
prohibit =ban=order someone not to do something = make a rule against ممنوع اعلام کردن غیرقانونی :example . The law forbids drunken drivers to handle ...
Declare punishable by law or rule _set a penalty for تنبیه کردن - مجازات کردن - جریمه . we were penalized for not not following tradition
occupation =business=profession=trade شغل - حرفه *با vacation که به معنای مسافرت و تفریح هست اشتباه نگیرید. :example . David 's vocation turned int ...
take away from by force محروم کردن - بی نصیب کردن - بی بهره کردن :example . living in a rural area Betsy was deprived of concerts and plays
1=make less 2=make easier 3=reduce the pain of 4=release /free 5=replace کم کردن - ارام کردن - از میان بردن - مرخص یا ازاد کردن - برکنار کردن :exampl ...
a roundabout way 1=راه انحرافی 2=تغییر مسیر :example . in order to evade city traffic Anthony took a detour
situation requiring a choice between two evils_ a difficult choice موقغیت سخت - قرار گرقتن بین دوراهی :example . it is sensible not to panic in the f ...
prove to be true or correct _ make certain تایید کردن - تثبیت کردن یا اثبات کردن :example . years of research confirmed the theory that smoking is h ...
request_ appeal_ that which is asked of another دفاع - جواب - درخواست. . . . . :example . the president plea to release the captives was denied by t ...
. To take money from someone in a dishonest way
_ The person who makes decision a person in charge of a place
Extremely boring بسیار کسل کننده
With out any delay *بی درنگ *فورا *بی معطلی *در یک چشم به هم زدن
. To try to do your job as well as the person who did it before you; especially when that person was very successful
. Something which has no bottom and everything put in to it just disappears
. Something that is a problem - and its not very clear because there is no rule
Workers who work in offices - not doing physical work پشت میز نشین. کسی که کارمنده و کارای فیزیکی و سخت انجام نمیده.
. green belt =Countryside around a city or town which is protected from building development
workers who do physical work
. Belonging to a highest social class or aristocratic اشراف زاده به زبون خودمون از ما بهترون
. I argued with him till i was blue in the face but he would not listen meaning = say the same thing many time but someone refuse to listen زبونم مو ...
Something unimportant that takes attention away from the main subject نکته انحرافی نکته یا مطلبی که توجه رو نسبت به موضوع اصلی کم میکنه یا برمیداره.
Catch someone at the moment they are doing something wrong سر بزنگاه مچ کسی را گرفتن