پیشنهادهای DAFFODIL (٣٦٢)
It is made up of things which are all the same مشابه
. To state the opposite of what someone else has said مخالف بودن - تناقض داشتن
The study of the stars in the belief that they influence people lives طالع بینی
. Made up of smaller amount added together
A person who supports an idea or plan حامی - هوادار - طرفدار
Honesty and good moral درستی - کمال - راستی - شرافت
the crime of gaining money by lying or by tricking people کلاهبرداری - فریب
. to mention something as an example or as a proof of something
. A particular task is to take on the responsibility of doing something به عهده گرفتن - - شروع به انجام کردن
. skill or quality that is useful or valuable دارایی - چیز با ارزش
. Tendency to prefer one thing to another طرفداری - تعصب - جانب داری
. well - known because of something bad بد نام - بی ابرو
An effect that exist because of a person or thing in the past به جا مانده - ارث
. certain to happen or can not be avoided اجتناب نا پذیر :example . It is inevitable that days will get longer in summer
The state of being more powerful than others تسلط - نفوذ
=other verbs for shopping activities 1=browse}: take ones time looking at thing without necessarily wanting to buy anything } 2=bargain hunt }: look ...
=other verbs for shopping activities 1=browse}: take ones time looking at thing without necessarily wanting to buy anything } 2=bargain hunt }: look ...
مقایسه قیمت ها برای خرید ارزانتر
=other verbs for shopping activities 1=browse}: take ones time looking at thing without necessarily wanting to buy anything } 2=bargain hunt }: look ...
inhibit = prevent=stop something from developing
Of a city or state =having something affairs of a city o town شهری - وابسته به شهری
Risk= Endanger به خطر انداختن - ریسک کردن
3=Change the air in, purify by fresh air اکسیژن رسانی - تعویض هوا 2=discuss openly احساس و نظر خود را پیش همه اظهار کردن
Anything that gets in the way or hinder مانع - سر راه
Extreme fatness چاقی بیش از حد - اضافه وزن
Person prepared for religious work روحانی - کشیش - ملا - اخوند
Person who owes something to another مدیون - بدهکار :example . if i borrow a dollar from you , i am your debtor
Dig up =discover = find out حفر کردن - کشف کردن - پی بردن - از زیر خاک بیرون اوردن
Decision of a jury =judgment قضاوت - حکم
Doing what one is told= willing to obey رام - مطیع - حرف گوش کن :example . The obedient dog came when his master beckoned
In low spirit=sad
Wet thoroughly = soak
Pay no heeds or pay heed # Take heed#
Accept and follow out = remain faithful to=dwell = endure ماندن - تاب اوردن=ایستادگی کردن - ساکن شدن.
. Person who willfully or ignorantly destroys or damages beautiful things کسی که به اموال و وسایل زیبا و خوب اسیب میزنه. . .
. . . . . Person who betray his or her country , a friend , duty خائن - خیانتکار - پیمان شکن :example . No villain is worse than a traitor who betra ...
Begin again = go on =take again از سر گیری - دوباره شروع کردن - ادامه دادن
=Having or showing kind feeling toward others =Approving enjoy the same things and getting along well together دلسوزانه - حاکی از همدردی - موافق بو ...
1 = Violent storm with much wind 2 = A violent disturbance توفان - جنجال :example . The tempest drove the ship on the rocks
Burn up=Dry up = criticize sharply سوزاندن - خشک کردن - انتقاد شدید. :example . The hot iron scorched the tablecloth
Quick on time , To cause someone to do something وادار کردن - برانگیختن - فوری - ( واقعا ) :example " Be prompt in assembling your baggage " " در ...
. When you are in a difficult situation , especially one which tests whether you can trust people
. The best thing you can do to achieve the result you want بهترین کار برای گرفتن بهترین نتیجه.
Make someone prove that what they are saying is true or prove that they will rally do what they say they will do وادار کردن کسی برای اثبات حرف خود ب ...
Do the same as everyone else has just done تقلید از کسی
Tell somebody honestly what you think or plan to do برنامه و دیدگاه خود را صادقانه بیان کردن.
Behave in a right way to achieve what you want درست انجام دادن کاری ( برای رسیدن به نتیجه مطلوب و دلخواه )
In a fair situation در شرایط ( موقعیت ) یکسان و برابر
Co - operate in order to achieve something { usually used in the negative context }
surprise somebody by doing something that he/she do not expect. { usually surprise you with a problem }