پیشنهادهای shiva_sisi (٥٦٩)
an area of land in a town which has streets on four sides
A long piece of cloth with words or singns on it
دانشــ آموز یآ دانشــ جویے کـــ بدلیلــ تحصیلــ بہ مکانے دیگر مہآجرتــ میکند: )
piece of metal, usually flat and round, that is used as money
نوعے پولــ ساختہ شده توسطــ فلز ( سکہ ) **Shiva_sisi**
What you do regularly in your free time for enjoyament
bring a number of things together جمع اوردے کردنـــ
Barbecue is an outdoor party in wich food is cooked over fire
a book in which you write down the things that happen to you each day
a fire made outdoors by people who are camping
a fire made outdoors by people who are camping
آتشے کـــ تـوسط دستـــ خودمونـــ درستــ میشہ جہتــ گرمــ کردنــ یا روشنــ کردنــ مکانے☺
A ghost is the spirit of a dead person.
. a container in which something, especially drinks, is cooled or kept cold:
a box with ice init that is usedfor keeping foods or drink cool
someone who drops paper, cans etc on the ground in public places
verb: try to win in a game
مشکلــ ــــ☺
پاشیدنــ ــ
That student did not follow the rules
on official statement that tells what you must or mustn`t do
I never throw clothes away.
هراسیدنــــ ـــــ ، ترسیدنــــ ـــــ ،
from or relating to a country that is not your own:
تمامــ ــــ کشور هآ بہ جز کشورے کہ در آنـــ ــــ زندگے مےکنیمــــ ـــــ🍃🙈
نکتہ، نصیحتــ ـــ
unable to understand or think clearly about what someone is saying
the geography of a building, city etc is the way all its parts are arranged
the general condition of your body and how healthy you are
کارنامہ، گزارش تحصیلے
Powder used to make bread pr cake
ذرات سازنده ی مواد ( اتم )
کیکی برای صبحانه ( پنکیک )
@ریحانه اشتباست competition is a synonym for race
Not long ago ; recently
کسی که مردم اورا دوست دارند مثل ارتیست یا هنرمند ها خواننده ها و بازیگر ها و . . . 😄
Enormous means very large or great
پیاده روے
Jogging means running slowly
نقل مکان کردن
to not go somewhere or do something, especially when you want to but cannot:
خرمن گاه
پیمان ازدواج بستن قرار داد زناشویی را منعقد کردن .
سفت، روزنه، سوراخ، خندق، غار، گودی، غول، منفذ، رخنه، فرجه، نقب، حفره، گودال، چال، فرج، لانه خرگوش و امثال ان، روزنه کندن، در لانه کردن، سوراخ سوراخ ک ...
His coat caught in the doorPeel and dice the potatoesa very large strong building, built in the past as a safe place that could be easily defended ag ...
جذاب، تودل برو، دلربا، زیبا
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