پیشنهادهای Iam ! (١٤٥)
To discover the solution or answer to a problem or mystery رمزگشایی کردن✓
گمانه زنی #قلمچی شهریور
assume someone's identity هویت کسی را تصاحب کردن، خود را بجای شخص دیگری جا زدن
چیزی ک کسی حق ندارد از آن انتقاد کند. قلمچی
اشتباه خود را پذیرفتن ���� eat humble pie US also eat crow informal to admit that you were wrong: After boasting that his company could outperform t ...
وعده سر خرمن . . . � A promise of something good, but never fulfilled
Stone_cold 1بسیار سرد ( خوراکی و. . ) 2ادم سرد و بی احساس ( سنگ دل ) 3یقین، اطمینان
Full of Ex:im full of passion Crowed with filled with
To understand a situation fully
Alex is prone to exaggeration; take his stories with a grain of salt.
دخالت کردن در موضوعی که بهت مربوط نیست��� To stick sb nose where it does not belong در جوابش این عبارات بکار می ره: Don't interfere It doesn't concer ...
Give sb a bumpy ride دچار دردسر کردن
نارضایتی خود را بروز دادن
Precarious ✓✓✓✓✓
اعتماد به نفس؛احترام به نفس������� Your self - esteem is how you feel about yourself. For example, if you have low self - esteem, you do not like you ...
C1' belief and confidence in your own ability and value: Self esteem
To galvanize someone means to cause them to take action, for example by making them feel very excited, afraid, or angry.
Fencing همانند فنس در بختیاری به حصار گفته میشود.
🐩🦙🐕🦺🦥🐒🐃🐑🐐�� If you say that someone has joined the herd or follows the herd, you are criticizing them because you think that they behave ju ...
If you take a dim view or a poor view of someone or something, you disapprove of them or have a low opinion of them. Ex"""" They took a dim view of ...
Dim: 🔅تیره و تار؛احمق Idiom:to take a dim view of sth or sb بد بین بودن نسبت به کسی یا چیزی
lame=همون لم در زبان بختیاریه یعنی آدم شل و چلاق
پا پس نکشیدن�������� There were some disagreement; but i stood my ground and convinced them that my approach was the best. . .
a bigwig✓ a fat cat✓
فردی را وادار به انجام کاری کردن بر خلاف میل باطنی�✓✓✓
burstبه معنی ترکیدن : Idioms burst at the seams burst into song/tears/laughter burst out laughing/crying : Phrasal verb ( s ) burst in/into ( some ...
. . شخص یا چیزی که قدرت و تاثیرش را از دست داده If you describe someone or something as a lame duck, you are critical of them because they are not s ...
معنی اصطلاح:متوقف کردن Pull پریز ( برق ) Plug 🔌 کشیدن
متوقف کردن
کسب و کاری را رونق دادن
He is fucking hardcore. . . خشن
لجباز و یکدنده معانی مختلف mule قاطر صندل رو فرشی لجباز آدم قاچاقچی ( محاوره )
فکرش رو هم نمیکرد، عمرا میدونست، روحش هم خبر نداشت.
do the trick به نتیجه مطلوب رسیدن
Gratitude is the state of feeling grateful.
They were in a state of euphoria for days after they . won the prize
Idiom ( s ) from the horse's mouth ( straight ) horses for courses you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink a horse of a diffe ...
این اصطلاح تو چ کتابی بوده؟؟
Pivot عضو موثر . محور اصلی کار. Ex:every one of the strategic pivots undertaken by our organisation reflects a deep understanding of emerging marke ...
If you dent the surface of something, you make a . hollow area in it by hitting or pressing it
Whole range of Full range of Broad range of Wide range of ✓به معنای طیف یا رنج گسترده و مختلف ✓ترکیبات پر کاربرد
Have a chance Stand a chance معنی:شانس انجام کاری را داشتن Stand a second chance Have a first chance
Means i feel you می فهممت، میتونم درک کنم چ حسی داری
کتاب دکتر اناری ک نوشته کاهش تقلیل Ex:8 years of affort have hardly put a dent in drug trafficking
استارت چیزی رو بزنی چیزی رو شروع کنی✓