پیشنهادهای Adel Chaichian (١١٩)
lie in ruins = to be extremely badly damaged so that most of it has fallen down
Other synonyms for surmountable: conquerable, superable, vincible, stoppable, beatable, achievable, attainable, winnable, manageable
the time between the receipt of and the fulfillment or completion of an order, document, or the like. مدت زمان از دریافت یک سفارش تا تکمیل آن.
bagel vs donut: Donuts contain a lot more sugar and fat than bagels, and bagels contain more protein and sometimes more fiber than donuts. Donuts ar ...
to consider doing something, but not seriously, or to be interested in something for a short time سرسری گرفتن به بازی گرفتن ( یک موضوع جدی ) جدی ...
psychologically ) manipulator = gaslighter ) = کنترل گر Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self ...
to catch up with someone = begin to have a damaging effect on someone گریبان کسی را گرفتن
to bench = to remove from or prevent from playing in a sports contest نیمکت نشین کردن
آرام متین با اعتماد به نفس با خیال راحت خونسرد منسجم
مدل الگو نقشه الگو طرح الگو
have a good/excellent command/mastery/proficiency of something
Pollute Contaminate Poison Infect
شبیه . . . بودن مانند . . . دیده شدن کسی یا چیزی را نمایاندن یاد . . . انداختن ( فعل متعدی است )
بریدن، تراشیدن، قلم زدن شکل دادن به چیزی از چوب یا فلز با برش دادن و قلم زدن و نظایر مثال: Eisenhower is a surname derived from the German word Eisen ...
بلافاصله فوراً آناً همان لحظه اول معمولاً به صورت "right off the bat"
Some synonyms for "thought provoking": intriguing inspiring interesting fascinating
Relaxed and confident in one's manner of presenting oneself and interacting with others; conveying the impression that one has a clear, satisfying u ...
زیر و رو کردن چرخاندن برگرداندن معکوس کردن مثال: New leaders need to flip their focus. Instead of looking at others, they must realize that others no ...