پیشنهادهای Nasim M (٤٧٨)
underground railway system Underground Subway Metro 🚇
To dance all the evening Dancing all night
versus. Opposing & against. We use it to compare 2 things
What happened Or asking about events happening
a day when a worker says they are ill when they are not, in order to stay at home and not go to work دروغی که کارگر به کافرما میگه که مریضه که مرخصی ...
İnsisting Stubborn لجباز و مصر
Someone who writes script for movie theater
Main character of the movie or theater نقش اصلی
دکه کوچک فروشگاهی در خیابان و ردیف صندلی های روبروی صحنه در طبقه اصلی در تئاتر the seats on the main level of a theater in front of the stage
Dedicate Sacrifice
fail to support or help someone as they had hoped or expected. Disappoint
Reject Refuse Not accept
İndependent Not dependant or attached to anyone
Tidy Clean Smart
Without strength or force. Weakly
Without interest or excitement.
Bad smell
تازگی نو بودن Newness Freshness Recency
Fade Disappear Vanish
Stop slowly Disappear Vanish
Attention The center of attention مرکز توجه
Without wanting it Not ready Not eager ناخواسته
A part of جزیی از بخشی از
accommodation with kitchenette
accommodation with kitchenette
the outer parts of a town or city. The part of city far from center Suburb
Repair Renew Restore Do sth up Redesign and redecorate
voluntarily leave a job or office. Quit a job استعفا دادن
To put an end to sth To finish پایان دادن خاتمه دادن
Emphasize on how great or extreme something is.
At risk In danger در خطر بودن
The guilty person The one who should be blamed مقصر، خطاکار
Reject رد کردن
Shame Bad condition
جریان اقیانوسی
جریان دریایی
Rubbish, trash, garbage, waste, litter اشغال
Moving around Cutting
میزان شدت درجه
In the sea توی دریا
To feel very thrilled, frightened بدنمو به لرزه دراورد یا ستون فقراتم لرزید البته از ترس
decompose تجزیه شدن تجزیه پذیر بودن
Biodegrade تجزیه شدن
محیط بان حافظ و دوستدار محیط زیست
Enforce Execute اجرایی کردن به اجرا دراوردن
İmpose Execute اجرایی کردن به اجرا دراوردن
Expat Expatriate مهاجر
به معنای چک کردن و کنترل کردن هم هست
Rival حریف رقیب