پیشنهادهای Nasim M (٤٧٨)
watch multiple episodes of ( a television programme ) in rapid succession Binge watch
Emotional or psychological baggage is a collective term for any unresolved emotional turmoil caused by childhood trauma, abuse, or any negative exper ...
Reject somebody Ending a romantic relationship
Graveyard burial ground
A machine that digs tunnel
Digging tunnel
very active or busy
Take advantage of an opportunity
Growing fast
Problem snd hardship as a noun
By hitting or crash
knives, forks, and spoons used for eating or serving food. NORTH AMERICAN cutting utensils, especially knives for cutting food.
as another option or possibility İn return İnstead İn exchange
to suddenly start to be successful or popular
Take sth in means to understand or grasp
Taking the control
to say something without thinking carefully, so that you embarrass or upset someone بی هوا و بدون فکر حرف زدن که باعث ناراحتی و رنجش و شرمندگی دیگرا ...
To stop ot finish something
Stands for department
Not even. . . used for saying something is very unlikely.
If someone takes offence at something you say or do, they feel upset, often unnecessarily, because they think you are being rude to them
lie down, usually in order to relax or to sleep
to put things back in drawers, cupboards, and other places where they are kept, after you have used them
to annoy someone a lot
Raise or increase
tolerate or endure something. phrasal verb. If you put up with something, you tolerate or accept it, even though you find it unpleasant or unsatisfa ...
Be proud of
Being proud
Distract someone's mind
Don't appreciate Not being grateful about something
Swede From Sweden
From Sweden
to act as if something is very important or serious when it is not To exaggerate To make a big deal
INFORMAL have a strong liking for or dislike of
INFORMAL have a strong liking for or dislike of
As a verb means neglect or ignore
For sure Certain
Small wooden cabin in mountain or campsite
Complete stop with no movement
In Inside
Lasting an hour یک ساعته
Pale carrot Yellow carrot
Role swap switching roles with someone else
ملا، شیخ
to clean your nose by forcing air through it فین کردن
رکابی ورزشی
a way of losing a lot of weight very quickly by limiting how much one eats